

Yogi Tea

Spices are woven into the fabric of Indian food and culture, so what better avenue is there to explore as we start this journey with our new chef, Madhur Jaffrey?  Be it a spice new and exotic to you or one that is familiar and comfortable, let's dive head first into the overflowing bags and bowls of spices proudly displayed at any Spice Bazaar.

Such was the invitation, and I opted for comforting this week with an easy masala chai. Masala refers to the spices, and chai refers to tea. That's right, whenever you hear someone ordering chai tea,  they are asking for tea tea. It's okay though. Chai is nice enough to order twice. And perfect for soothing your wearied soul.
Make some tonight, you'll be glad you did.

Yogi Tea
adapted from Madhur Jaffrey

1 small pinch each of ground cinnamon, ground cardamom, ground cloves, ground black pepper, ground ginger
1 black tea bag
1 cup hot water
2 tsp sugar or honey
1 cup whole milk

Steep  together in a strainer teapot, or in a regular pot, 15 minutes. Strain and serve. Garnish with cinnamon stick, if desired.


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