

200 Best Canned Fish & Seafood Recipes

200 Best Canned Fish & Seafood Recipes 
For Tuna, Salmon, Shrimp, Crab, Clams, 
Oysters, Lobster & More
by Susan Sampson

How great is this idea for a cookbook!?! I have really been looking forward to this release - what a perfect subject for both health and economic reasons. Like many people, I live nowhere-near-an-ocean and have to travel into the city for fresh looking fish. We do it once in a while, but it's an ordeal we save for special occasions. But I always have canned tuna, salmon, crab, sardines and anchovies on hand.

It isn't cooked the same way as fresh fish of course, but Susan Sampson gives a whole world of possibilities for the humble canned fish from quick lunch time fare to guest-worthy dinners. She teaches the difference between canned seafoods and how they may be substituted in a dish.

So stock up your pantry - if you have a can of seafood - you have the makings of a fine meal! 

Contents include:
A World of Canned Seafood
The Top 15 Classics
Appetizers and Snacks
Sandwiches and Wraps
Fish Burgers, Fish Cakes, Fishballs and More
Curries, Casseroles and More
Pies and Pizzas
Rice and Grains
Breakfast, Brunch and Lunch
Substitutions Chart

A few canned seafood dishes you can sample at home-
Brunch, fast, healthy, guest-worthy, page 255
Salmon, Spinach and Sweet Potato Frittata
A frittata is an easy choice for brunch or a family dinner. It’s basically an 
open-faced omelet, so you don’t have to fuss with folding, flipping or rolling. It’s finished under the broiler — the heat causes the eggs to puff attractively.
Makes 4 to 6 servings

If you don’t have a cast-iron skillet, use a nonstick skillet and wrap the handle in foil to protect it from the heat of the broiler.
For an unusual twist, substitute an equal quantity of smoked oysters or mussels for the salmon.
You can also substitute tuna, mackerel, kippers, shrimp, crab, lobster, clams or plain oysters or mussels.

Preheat broiler, placing oven rack one level down from top position

1    small sweet potato (about 8 oz/250 g),     1
    peeled and cut in 1⁄4-inch (0.5 cm) dice
11⁄2 cups    stemmed, torn spinach leaves     375 mL
    (1 oz/30 g)
8    large eggs    8
3⁄4 tsp    salt    3 mL
1⁄8 tsp    freshly ground black pepper    0.5 mL
1 tbsp    extra virgin olive oil    15 mL
1     onion, diced    1
1    small green bell pepper, cut in tiny dice    1
1     clove garlic, minced    1
1    can (6 oz/170 g) boneless, skinless salmon,     1

1.     In a pot of boiling salted water over medium heat, cook sweet potato for 3 to 4 minutes, until tender but firm. Using a mesh scoop, transfer to a sieve. Drain and set aside.
2.     Return water to a boil. Add spinach and blanch for 30 seconds. Drain. When cool enough to handle, squeeze dry and chop coarsely. Set aside.
3.     In a bowl, whisk together eggs, salt and pepper.
4.     In a 12-inch (30 cm) cast-iron skillet (see Tip, left), heat oil over medium-high heat until shimmery. Add onion, green pepper and garlic and cook, stirring often, for about 5 minutes, until vegetables soften. Add spinach and sweet potato and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Add eggs and stir gently to distribute ingredients. Squeeze salmon to remove excess moisture and scatter it over the eggs. Cook for about 2 minutes, occasionally lifting edges and tilting pan to let uncooked egg run underneath, until bottom has set and browned but top is a bit runny.
5.     Place skillet under preheated broiler for 1 to 2 minutes to set top. Serve immediately.

Excerpted from 200 Best Canned Fish & Seafood Recipes by Susan Sampson © 2012 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Pizza, guest-worthy, page 190
Personal Pizzas with Lobster and Roasted Garlic
Spoil pizza lovers with these individual lobster pies. Redolent of garlic butter, they smell as tempting as they taste.

Baking the pizza with the rack in the lowest position in your oven helps the crust turn golden and ensures that the toppings won’t overcook.
There’s not much choice when it comes to canned lobster. If possible, buy a 6-ounce (170 g) can and use the extra amount on the pizzas. If you end up with a larger can, use the leftovers for other recipes. Check the chart on pages 272 to 278 for more delicious options.
The cheese blend I use includes provolone, mozzarella, Parmesan and Emmenthal.

Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C), placing rack in the lowest position (see Tips, left)
Preheated pizza stone or inverted baking sheet

1     head garlic (see Tip)    1
1⁄8 tsp    vegetable oil    0.5 mL
3 tbsp    unsalted butter, softened    45 mL
1⁄8 tsp    salt    0.5 mL
    Freshly ground black pepper  
1 lb    pizza dough, at room temperature,     500 g
    Flour for dusting
1 cup    canned lobster meat (about 4 oz/125 g),     250 mL
    coarsely chopped and patted dry 
    (see Tips, left)
1 cup    shredded Italian 4-cheese blend    250 mL
    (about 4 oz/125 g)
12    small grape tomatoes, halved    12
1⁄4 cup    coarsely chopped basil leaves     60 mL

1.     Cut a thin slice off the top of the garlic. Place it on a square of foil and drizzle oil overtop. Wrap foil over garlic and roast in preheated oven for about 45 minutes, until cloves are tender. Set aside until cool enough to handle. Squeeze cloves out of skins into a small, microwave-safe dish and mash with a fork. Blend in butter, salt and pepper to taste.
2.     Cut dough into 4 pieces. Place each on a lightly floured piece of parchment. Stretch and roll out each piece of dough into a 6-inch (15 cm) circle.
3.     Microwave garlic-butter mixture on High for a few seconds, until it is easy to spread but not molten. Dividing equally, brush over dough right to the edges. Arrange lobster over dough, dividing equally. Sprinkle cheese evenly overtop each pizza. Arrange tomatoes overtop, cut sides down. Scatter basil evenly overtop.
4.     Bake in preheated oven on preheated pizza stone or baking sheet (in batches if necessary, depending on size of stone) for about 12 minutes, until bottom is crispy and golden and cheese is molten. Serve immediately.

Seafood Pizzas
Keep pizza simple and more healthful: don’t overwhelm it with toppings.
    A pizza stone and peel (giant paddle) are handy, but you can substitute an inverted baking sheet for both. A stone should be preheated at your recipe temperature for at least 30 minutes. As for a baking sheet, if you are using it instead of a pizza stone, place it in the oven when you set it to preheat.
    You can make your own dough or speed things up by using prepared dough from the supermarket. The recipes here all work with whole wheat as well as regular pizza dough.
    Rolling the dough on parchment makes it easier to transfer to the hot oven. Add your toppings, push the pizza peel or a cool inverted baking sheet under the parchment, then slide the pizza, paper and all, onto the preheated stone.

Two heads are better than one. You are roasting garlic anyway, so why not double the quantity? Refrigerate or freeze the extra to satisfy future cravings.

Excerpted from 200 Best Canned Fish & Seafood Recipes by Susan Sampson © 2012 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Classic, kid-friendly, healthy, guest-worthy, page 30
Salade Niçoise
This tuna and vegetable salad is the signature dish of the Mediterranean mecca Nice. It is authentic to use canned tuna in olive oil, not grilled fresh tuna. The French are adamant that the original included no cooked vegetables, but over the years potatoes have found their way in.
Makes 4 to 8

Vinaigrette: In a large measuring cup, whisk together 1⁄4 cup (60 mL) white wine vinegar, 1 minced shallot, 1 tbsp (15 mL) chopped parsley leaves, 1 tsp (5 mL) Dijon mustard and 1⁄2 tsp (2 mL) each salt and freshly ground black pepper. Gradually whisk in 1⁄2 cup (125 mL) extra virgin olive oil, until blended and thickened.
You can substitute oil from the tuna (about 1⁄4 cup/60 mL) for some of the extra virgin olive oil in the Vinaigrette.
If you prefer, use thawed frozen artichoke hearts.
Slim French beans (called haricots) are standard in this salad, but regular green beans are fine. Don’t trim the cute little squiggles off the ends.
Substitute an equal quantity of salmon, mackerel, cod, sardines, sprats, shrimp, crab, lobster or octopus for the tuna.

8 oz    green beans, trimmed and sliced in half    250 g
    crosswise (about 2 cups/500 mL)
8    mini red potatoes (about 12 oz/375 g)    8
    Vinaigrette (see Tips)
4    canned artichoke hearts, drained and    4 
    quartered (see Tips, left)
1     head Boston lettuce, separated into leaves    1
2    small ripe tomatoes, cut in wedges    2
2    mini cucumbers, thinly sliced    2
1    small red bell pepper, cut in 1⁄4-inch    1
    (0.5 cm) strips
1 cup    thinly sliced red onion    250 mL
4    cans (each 3 oz/85 g) solid tuna in    4 
    olive oil, drained
2 tsp    capers, rinsed, drained and chopped    10 mL
1    small sprig basil    1
4    large eggs, hard-cooked and quartered    4
4    anchovy fillets, halved lengthwise    4
16    niçoise or small black olives, pitted     16

1.    Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over high heat. Add beans, reduce heat to medium and cook for 3 to 4 minutes, until tender-crisp. Using a mesh scoop, transfer beans to a colander and rinse under cold running water to stop the cooking. Set aside to cool.
2.    Return heat to high and add potatoes to the cooking water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium and cook for about 15 minutes, until potatoes are tender but firm. Drain and cut into quarters. Transfer to a bowl and toss warm potatoes with 1 tbsp (15 mL) vinaigrette.
3.    In a small bowl, toss artichokes with 1 tbsp (15 mL) vinaigrette.
4.    Line a large serving platter with lettuce. Arrange beans, potatoes, artichokes, tomatoes, cucumbers, red pepper and onion overtop, leaving a small space in the center. Mound tuna in the center. Scatter capers over tuna and garnish with basil. Place egg wedges at the corners and drape with anchovies. Scatter olives overtop. Serve immediately, with remaining vinaigrette alongside.

Excerpted from 200 Best Canned Fish & Seafood Recipes by Susan Sampson © 2012 Robert Rose Inc. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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