

Fun Recipes to Launch The Nutella Breakfast Table Fund!

Bananalicious Nutella® Pancakes
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time 15 minutes
Serves: 6

1 cup (180mL)        whole-wheat flour
½ cup (125mL)        quick cook oats
½ cup (125mL)        all purpose flour
1 ½ tsp (7mL)        baking powder
2                eggs
1 cup (250mL)        buttermilk
1 cup (250mL)        Low fat milk (2% or less M.F.)
2 tbsp (30mL)        brown sugar
1 tsp (5mL)            pure vanilla extract
1/3 cup (80mL)        Nutella®
2                bananas, sliced

In a large bowl, whisk together whole-wheat flour, oats, all purpose flour and baking powder well. In a smaller bowl, whisk together eggs, buttermilk, milk, brown sugar and vanilla until sugar is dissolved.
Pour egg mixture into flour mixture and whisk just to combine.
Heat a non-stick griddle or fry pan sprayed with cooking spray over medium heat. Spoon small dollops of batter (approx 2 to 3 tbsp) onto the pan and cook until small bubbles appear on the edge of the pancake and surface appears slightly dry, flip and cook the other side until lightly golden brown.
Spread each pancake with a little Nutella®. Layer a few slices of banana on each pancake and then stack three or four of them one on top of the other. Serve with a glass of milk or 100% fruit juice.

Nutella® Breakfast Muffins
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 18 to 20 minutes
Makes 12 muffins

1 cup (500mL)        all purpose flour
¾ cup (180mL)        whole-wheat flour
¼ cup (60mL)        quick cook oats
1 tsp (5mL)            baking powder
1 tsp (5mL)            baking soda
¾ cup (180mL)        Low fat milk (2% or less M.F)
¾ cup (180mL)        unsweetened applesauce
¼ cup (60mL)         honey
1                egg
1 tsp (5mL)             pure vanilla extract
1 cup (250mL)        fresh or frozen raspberries
¾ cup                Nutella®

Pre-heat oven to 375°F (190°c).
Spray a 12 muffin, non-stick muffin tin with cooking spray.
In a large bowl, whisk together, flours, oats, baking powder and baking soda. In another bowl, whisk together milk, applesauce, honey, egg and vanilla. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix just to combine. Fold in raspberries and spoon batter equally between the 12 muffins.
Bake muffins for 19 to 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the muffin comes out clean. Let muffins cool completely.
Slice the muffin open and spread with 1 tablespoon of Nutella®.  Great for breakfast on the go. Muffins can be made ahead and frozen. Pair with a glass of milk and handful of extra berries for a balanced breakfast.

Nutella® Breakfast Bars
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 to 30 minutes
Serves: 10

¾ cup (180mL)        all purpose flour
¾ cup (180mL)        whole-wheat flour
¼ tsp (1mL)            baking soda
¼ tsp (1mL)            baking powder
½ tsp (2mL)            ground cinnamon
¼ cup (60mL)        sugar
¼ cup (60mL)        melted butter or non-hydrogenated margarine
¾ cup (180mL)        unsweetened applesauce
1                 egg, lightly beaten
1 cup (250mL)        trail mix*
½ cup (125mL)        Nutella®

Pre-heat oven to 350°F (180°c).
Coat an 8x8-baking pan with cooking spray
In a large bowl, whisk together flours, baking soda, baking powder and cinnamon. In another bowl, whisk together sugar, butter or non-hydrogenated margarine, applesauce and egg. Add applesauce mixture to flour mixture and mix just to combine. Gently fold in trail mix and spoon into baking pan. Smooth the surface.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Let cool for 15 minutes and turn out onto a cutting board. Let them cool completely.
When cool, cut into 10 bars. Spread the top of each bar with a little Nutella®.
* Signature trail mix is made up of equal parts of sunflower seed, raisins, cashews and pumpkin seeds.


Most parents know that breakfast is important for their children, yet a significant number of children still aren’t getting the breakfast they need each day and teachers are seeing the effects in the classroom.

In fact, new research commissioned by Nutella reveals that more than three quarters (77%) of teachers have given food to a student they thought was hungry. This startling number reinforces that even though parents may think their kids are fine when they leave the house without eating, the effects of skipping breakfast kick-in an hour into the school day – leading teachers to take measures to cope.

Canada’s Breakfast Report, a study of Canadian moms and teachers, shows big discrepancies between what parents think and say about breakfast and what teachers are seeing at school. Only 7% of moms claim that, they have let their children go to school at least once a week without eating breakfast. Conversely, teachers believe that number is actually four times higher (29%) based on the behaviour of kids in the classroom. Critically, more than half of teachers (56%) believe poor grades can be related to children not eating the breakfast they should each day.

Though parents are struggling to overcome some barriers, experts say it’s crucial that they make it a priority to get their children back to the breakfast table.

“Spending the time as a family to eat breakfast is like putting money in people’s physical, mental and emotional banks,” says developmental psychologist Dr. Tony Volk. “Not eating breakfast goes beyond the food itself – it can impact a child’s ability to concentrate which effects their grades, behaviour and ability to socialize.”

The good news is that when children come to school after eating a balanced breakfast, teachers see encouraging results:
•     82% of teachers agree that breakfast improves a student’s capacity to learn;
•    62% see an ability to retain learning;
•    69% say it improves a student’s ability or willingness to interact with other students.

As part of an ongoing mission to champion breakfast, Nutella has enlisted Olympian Joannie Rochette to help inspire children to eat breakfast each day in order to reach their full potential.

“Mornings were a busy time in my family, but no matter how hectic my morning was I always made sure that I had breakfast,” says Joannie Rochette, Olympian and Nutella spokesperson. “It gave me the start I needed to get out of bed and onto the ice.”

The report also shows that Canadians are eager for help. Two-thirds (66%) of moms agree that ideas for making breakfast more fun could help their family eat breakfast more frequently. Moms cited a number of ways that breakfast could be more fun including; changing up routines, listening to music and trying new and fun foods.

Today also marks the launch of The Nutella Breakfast Table Fund, a grass roots initiative that will provide up to $100,000 to individuals and organizations across Canada that are championing breakfast.

“Nutella has been a part of breakfast in Canada for over 40 years, but our support goes beyond our product,” says Shoshana Price, senior brand manager for Nutella. “Our mission is to help Canadian children get the start they need to succeed everyday. The Nutella Breakfast Table Fund will allow us to support Canadians who are helping others discover the joy of breakfast in communities across Canada.”

Passionate Canadians who are doing their part to help kids eat breakfast can apply for funding through The Nutella Breakfast Table on Facebook by visiting until December 31, 2012. Fund recipients will be announced in February 2013.

About Nutella

Nutella believes in the importance of breakfast for Canadian children. This year Nutella is taking its commitment to breakfast further.  The Nutella Breakfast Table Fund initiative is  designed to help more Canadian children eat the breakfast they need every day. To learn more visit

Canada’s Breakfast Report Methodology
Two separate concurrent surveys were conducted between June 14 and June 21, 2012 to collect data for Canada’s Breakfast Report:

Survey of more than 2,000 Canadian moms
An Ipsos I-Say online panel was conducted, which collected responses from 2019 Canadian moms with at least one child between the ages of 5 and 12. The survey had a 95% confidence level, with a margin of error of +/- 2.2%. 

Survey of more than 400 Canadian elementary school teachers
Ipsos (using the Ipsos I-Say online panel as well as three other outside vendor panels) conducted an online survey of 405 Canadian teachers who are currently teaching at least one elementary school class (i.e. Kindergarten to Grade 8). The survey had a 95% confidence level, with a margin of error of +/- 4.9%.

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