

Rosemary-Garlic Bread

I can't imagine a world without garlic. It goes with almost everything - especially herbs.

In this rosemary-garlic bread, you have the subtle flavour of herbs and garlic baked right into the loaf so you can use it for sandwiches at work without bowling over your boss. Unless you want to bowl him or her over. Then by all means- add much more garlic.

This recipe is quick and easy and would also make a great pizza dough recipe: just shape into pizzas after the first rise, top, and reduce the second rise to about 20 minutes. Pizzas also benefit from a hotter oven and take 15-20 minutes in a regular home oven. Keep an eye out as all ovens are different.

If you are really lucky your neighbour will not have culled the last of their summer rosemary and you can steal borrow some fresh from the garden. Not that I do that .....

Rosemary-Garlic Bread
adapted from Bernard Clayton's New Complete Book of Breads

3 cups whole wheat flour
2½ cups AP flour
4½ tsp instant yeast
2½ tsp salt
2 tsp fresh ground black pepper
2 cups warm water
¼ cup olive oil
4 cloves garlic, minced
¼ cup finely chopped fresh parsley
¼ cup chopped fresh rosemary (half that amount, if dried)

  • In your stand mixer - add everything except the AP flour. Mix for 2 minutes and then add the white flour, ¼ cup at a time, until you have a nice feeling dough that cleans the bowl. Continue to beat (with dough hook) for a few more minutes. 
  • Form into a ball, clean bowl and lightly oil, roll ball in oiled bowl to gently coat, cover and let rise for about 1 hour. (Less if it is really hot in your kitchen)
  • Punch down and divide dough in half. Form into two loaves and let rise 1 more hour, covered. (I like to use my Chicago Metallic French bread form for last rise and baking.)
  • Preheat oven to 400°F
  • Bake in center rack for about 35 minutes, or until golden brown with an interior temperature of over 200°F
  • The bread should sound hollow and hard if you tap on it. 
  • Let cool on racks. 

This bread has been YeastSpotted!

BYOB 125 x 125

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