

Restaurant Review : Cheesecake Factory at Kenwood Mall

I like cheese. I like cake. I like cheesecake. So therefore it only makes sense that I would like Cheesecake Factory! Duh! I have been here many times before my blogging days, but this was my first time there as a blogger :)  In the past, I have tried the filet mignon, the steak diane, the chicken madeira, and more. All have been delish! This time I decided to try something different. Unfortunately, it wasn't a good decision.

Let me start out by saying that they have the BEST strawberry lemonade! I think it may have been the highlight of my meal. Actually I know that it was! It was pretty expensive, but I'll pay the price for a great drink and unlimited refills. Check out the sugar-rim on that thing! 

Now on to the less exciting part of the meal... I decided to try the stuffed mushroom small plate, which were stuffed with cheese, garlic, herbs, and wine sauce. Now, I LOVE mushrooms, and these were nothing to rave about. They were pretty small, and they didn't have a great taste to them. I guess I wanted a little more to the stuffing, maybe a sausage or crab. It only had cheese and there was just something missing. It really came with 6 mushrooms, but as you can see, I couldn't resist and ate one before I remembered to take the picture lol!
For my main course, I had one of the specials - Chicken Di Pana. It was very reasonably priced and sounded delicious, lightly breaded chicken breasts covered in a white wine butter sauce with mashed potatoes and broccoli. The sad thing is that it was not very good. The idea and the recipe itself would be divine, but the way this meal was prepared made it not very appealing. The chicken had alot of bloody, fatty parts and since it is very thinly cut, it seemed like there wasn't any meat. There wasn't really a chickeny taste. The sauce was good and made the chicken tolerable. I guess I get what I pay for?
They have a nice outdoor dining section for people who like to eat outdoors in the roaring heat lol! Not me, I need AC  :)  

I probably wouldn't order the Chicken Di Pana again. But they do have what seems like a zillion menu items to choose from, so I KNOW I will be back, trying something else. And probably bouncing back to my trusty filet, steak diane and chicken madeira. But I do love the Cheesecake Factory. But it's sad that of all the times I have been there, I have not had the Cheesecake. Those extra large plates they serve their entrees on sure do hold massive amounts of food, and I am always too stuffed for a dessert! But I can always (well, usually) count on the Cheesecake Factory.

Cheesecake Factory on Urbanspoon

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