

We Have a Winner... !!!

Thanks so much to everyone who entered to win my cookbook giveaway. I really loved reading about all of your fave cookbooks and now I have so many to check out. I also loved how many of you had special ones that really meant something sentimental to you. I am so grateful for all of you loyal readers! And we have a winner.... 

The winner of the cookbook, Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook: 100 Great Recipes, Photographs, and Voices, is....

.... #99 - Jocelyn, who said "I am your newest follower! Thanks for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog so that I could come find you. Congrats on your blogoversary!!!!!"

I have contacted Jocelyn and she will have 48 hours to respond and if not I will choose a different winner. Enjoy your cookbook!

Thanks for playing along, everyone! I can't wait to host my next giveaway. I hope it doesn't take me as long as this one did :) And again, love yall!

Peace, and bacon grease! 

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