

Secret Recipe Club Reveal - Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Avocado Bacon Dressing

This is my first time ever participating in Amanda's Secret Recipe Club. And I have to admit, I absolutely loved it. I will definitely be back month to month. I loved being assigned a specific blog from which to pull recipes. It's kind of like a Secret Santa, but the food edition. It's pretty genius.

I was assigned to Tami's blog, Tami's Kitchen Table Talk, and I'm so glad I did because I didn't know of her blog before. So now I have found many recipes of hers that I need to make! The one I chose for the swap this month was her delicious Low-Carb Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Avocado Bacon Dressing. Say what?! Yes, you read right. I couldn't pass up a chance to make a tortilla-less wrap with bacon AND avocado. I am not big on eating much bread or those kinds of things, so I like this low-carb version of a wrap.

I made a few modifications to the original recipe to suit our likings and convenience. Instead of one grilled chicken breast, we used two small breasts since there are two of us, and diced them into small squares, seasoned with cajun seasoning, and then sauteed them in a skillet in butter. And we did use 3 large romaine leaves: I had one wrap and PJ had two. I also used a whole avocado because you can never have too much avocado, am I right or am I right? :) We also left out the celery because neither of us are too fond of it. I think I liked it more than PJ did just because of the bacon addition. He said he would have liked it more without bacon. How did I end up with someone who doesn't share my enthusiasm for bacon?! It just doesn't seem right. Smh. And he added his to bread because he is a bread kinda guy. Me, I like my lettuce wraps and don't need the bread. I would just end up picking off most of the crust anyways.

Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Avocado Bacon Dressing
adapted from Tami's Kitchen Table Talk

* Yields 2 servings
  • 3 large romaine leaves, rinsed and patted dry
  • 2 small chicken breasts, diced and seasoned with cajun seasoning
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • Avocado Bacon Dressing (recipe follows below)
Avocado Bacon Dressing: 
  • 1 ripe avocado, peeled
  • 1/4 tsp cajun seasoning
  • 1 1/2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp Frank's hot sauce
  • 1/4 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 3 pieces of bacon, cooked and crumbled
  • Salt, to taste, if desired
In a large skillet, saute the diced seasoned chicken in 1 tbsp butter until cooked through. Mix the first 5 ingredients of the Avocado Bacon Dressing together well in a bowl. Stir in bacon. Lay romaine leaves open on a plate. Spoon in diced cooked chicken, evenly dividing amongst the three romaine leaves. Spoon Avocado Bacon Dressing evenly over wraps.

I'm also linking this up to Everyday Sisters' Sharing Sundays... this week's theme is GREEN!

We will definitely make this again! Next time I may try these wraps with the avocado sauce minus the bacon (gotta please the man sometimes), but would add onions instead. The dressing can also be used as a veggie dip, or to top Mexican dishes, replacing guacamole. It's been fun, and I can't wait until next month's Secret Recipe Club :) Be sure to check out everyone elses' recipes from Secret Recipe Club below.

Peace, and bacon grease!

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