

Super Bowl Ideas

Hey peeps! Who's excited for the Super Bowl?! I would probably be more excited if the Bengals were in it and not our hated rivals the Steelers (sorry Pittsburgh fans!), but I love football, and I love reasons to have great food.

I am not sure exactly what we are having for the Super Bowl. We aren't having an extravagant party with tons of guests. We actually are having people over the night before for a UFC fight. It's on a Saturday night so people are more inclined to come over, stay later, and drink and have a good time and not have to worry about working the next day. That's why the Super Bowl should be on a Saturday. So I can get drunk and stay up late and cook lots of food and not have to worry about cleaning it up before work the next day. But it's not, so Peej and I will probably spend Sunday watching the game just the two of us, which is so fine with me!

But that doesn't mean we won't have food! Cuz we've still gotta eat, right!? And since I want to be a better food blogger and actually blog about holiday-themed recipes, I am going to attempt to make a few Super Bowl recipes for the two of us. I can take any leftovers to work the next day. And if I have enough time on Saturday, though I don't think I will because it is a packed day, I may whip up a few treats for our friends to enjoy on Saturday night for the UFC fight. Maybe some dips or something quick and easy.

These are a few of the recipes I was wanting to make... I need to narrow them down because obviously the two of us can't eat and make all of these recipes....

Buffalo Chicken Dip (or one of the bajillion recipes I have for Buffalo Chicken Dip)

And really there are so many more recipes. Those are just the ones I have printed out. I feel like I stress too much about researching and trying to find tons of interesting recipes. I still need to look through my blogs and see what other ideas they have for me. I dunno what we are gonna do for dinner though, because the ones above are tons of app and dessert ideas. When I asked PJ if he had any good ideas for a main course for Super Bowl, he said Soup Bowl. I laughed, but thought about how it is a good idea. Soup for the Super (Souper?) Bowl. So we may have that Black Bean Soup, or something completely different. Or neither. Or we may be tired from making apps and just want to order pizza for dinner! Who knows what the day will hold?!

I'm linking this post to Friday Favorites over at Finding Joy in My Kitchen. She does a weekly linky party where we all link up recipes that we want to try!

Oh, and I have a really bad feeling that the Steelers are going to win. Crap. I hate the Steelers so, but I must admit that I do love this song by Wiz Khalifa called "Black and Yellow". I think it is the year for black and yellow. Crap crap crap.

But at least Lil Wayne is with me! Forget black and yellow, I'm all about the "Green and Yellow!" So I'll leave you with that!


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