

Idiotic Idioms #2

"In my heart of hearts...."

Why? I know what it's supposed to mean, but really do we need to say it twice? I think it'd be safe to say that you could just say "In my heart..." and it would make perfect sense. No "of hearts" needed. 

Sorry, I think I heard someone say that on The Bachelor last night. Yeah, I said it. I watch that crap. And love it :) And I think it was the ever so sweet and beautiful Emily, who I want to win, and since I don't think I or anyone could ever hate or be bothered by that girl, I'll let it slide this time.

But if it had come from anybody else, "In my heart" [see!] I'd be so very annoyed.

Just a quick rant. That's all for now!

Hope everyone had a love-filled Valentine's day yesterday!!

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