

Friday Favorites

I wanted to take a minute to highlight some great recipes I found this week in the bloggy world. SnoWhite over at Finding Joy in my Kitchen does a weekly link-up called "Friday Favorites" where everyone shares recipes that they can't wait to try out! Since I am always finding recipes from fellow foodie blogs, I definitely wanted to participate and promote some great blogs that always keep me coming back for more :)

I saw this Funnel Cake over at This Chick Cooks. I can't wait to attempt to make it. Funnel cake brings back such fond memories from my childhood, of carnivals and fairs and amusement parks. Oh, to be a kid again. So any food that makes me feel like I'm 7 years old again is a keeper :)

I'm a breakfast kinda gurl, so when I saw this Banana Stuffed French Toast over at Mangoes and Chutney, I couldn't wait for a lazy Sunday morning so I could make this sweet breakfast treat for the man and me.

Always loving anything buffalo-related. So these Buffalo Chicken Nachos from The Girl Who Ate Everything would be devoured in no time. 

Anyone who knows me knows that I love bacon. So much. Maybe a little too much. I am always intrigued by strange desserts that include bacon. Hey, I love chocolate, I love peanut butter, and I love bacon. I really don't see how it could go wrong? I will definitely be making these Bacon Peanut Butter Cups from Blog is the New Black.

I am a seafood lover. Gimme scallops, crab, lobster ANYDAY of the week! I can't wait to try Krista's Crab-Filled Crescent Wontons!

These things are freakin adorable! I bet the mix of onion, avocado and cheese on these mini burgers is da bomb!! Try these Caramelized Onion, Swiss, and Avocado Beef Sliders from Big Mama's Kitchen  :)

I swear Jocelyn always has the BEST desserts! These Reeses Banana Brownie Cups are super cute and I can't wait to have a good occasion to make them!

I love finding recipes that I have never seen before. Sometimes that can be hard to find in the bloggy world. Many times we see the same recipes showing up on blog after blog! So I will definitely be trying these original Ice Cream Cupcakes from Better Than Burgers.

Oh, and one more cupcake recipe that I want to try (because my thighs can really use all those calories!) are these delightful Cookies n' Cream Cupcakes from Apples and Twinkies.

I didn't want to post their pictures on here, so go check out their blogs to see those yummy recipes that I know you guys also wanna try!

Wonder when I will get around to making all of these?!? 

Peace, and BACON grease!
(see, I told you about my love of bacon - HA!)

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