

Menu Planning - Week of 2/13/12

Hey there! I took a little break from menu planning, but I'm back. Sad weekend, wasn't it? The legendary Whitney Houston passed away at the young age of 48. Don't even get me started! I've been listening to her songs and watching tributes for the past 2 days. Can't help but tear up sometimes... that voice and her music were a huge part of my childhood. May you rest in peace, Whitney.

Sunday me and my mama went to see The Grey, which I didn't know anything about except that Liam Neeson was in it and the mention of wolves... which completely turned me off. Um, loved it! It was suspenseful, and I thoroughly enjoyed it for not having known what to expect really. I just may make PJ go see it with me again.

Still need to see Chronicle, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, though.

Besides that, I did some shopping and worked on my paper for class. Nothing too exciting.

Now on to this week's menu plan. 

Monday 2/13/12:  Chili-Lime Pork Tenderloin

Tuesday 2/14/12:  VALENTINE'S DAY - lunch with my love, then dinner at Boi Na Braza that evening!

Wednesday 2/15/12:  class, probably eat leftover Chinese from lunch

Thursday 2/16/12:  groupon to Mokka

Saturday 2/18/12:  Bacon Cheeseburger Potato Pie

I hope you all have a love-filled Valentine's Day and a fantastic week!

Peace, and bacon grease!

*Side Note: If one more person says something negative about Whitney Houston's death, I just may shoot them. People can be so cruel, would they like people saying bad things about them when they die? Didn't think so. If you don't wanna watch the coverage, change the channel! No need to belittle someone's life. Ok thanks, glad I got that off my chest!

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