

Easy Growing!

Easy Growing
Organic Herbs and Edible Flowers from Small Spaces

Written by Gayla Trail
Trade Paperback, 208 pages
also available as an ebook

Looking forward to Spring? Me too! True, it has been rather mild up here in the Toronto region so far this winter, but Spring is definitely the ultimate season. I love to see the buds on the trees, the little needles of the chives poking up in my microscopic yard and, best of all, the mosquitoes are still sleeping. This means I can nap on the deck, even if I need a blanket- you know I am going to do it. Living with dogs has rubbed off on me, my main goal is to find a good place to nap.

Of course my other pastime, besides napping, is cooking. Sure, I stock up on suicidal tender herbs who start wilting soon after meeting me, but I know I can do better. That's why I was so excited to see Gayla Trail's new book Easy Growing. It's all about growing the most flavourful herbs and edible flowers, even in the tiniest of spaces. Don't have a back 40? Neither do I. And it doesn't matter. Seriously lazy? Me too. But these projects are simple and easy and big on the rewards factor.

Photo credit: Gayla Trail
Photo credit: Gayla Trail
Grow in the smallest spaces!
In Section One is all about Growing an Herb Garden, the chapters include:
  • The Pleasure of Herbs and Edible Flowers
  • Creating an Herb Garden Anywhere
  • Making it Pretty
  • Growing Care
  • Defending the Pot
  • Making More 
  • Future Fresh

Photo credit: Gayla Trail
Recipes included in the book!

Photo credit: Gayla Trail
Section Two is all about The Plants! So Many Herbs, So Little Time

Section Three concentrates on Keeping Stock: Gather, Preserve, Eat
  • Gathering
  • Herbs: From the Garden to Your Belly
  • Growing the Pantry: Preserving and Storing Herbs

Gayla Trail is also the author of You Grow Girl and Grow Great Grub 
Learn more about Gayla Trail and easy growing with these easy links!

Check out Gayla's introduction video

Easy Growing from Fluffco on Vimeo.

Or browse the book here

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