

Book Tour: Between a Rock and a Hot Place, Why Fifty is the New Fifty

Between a Rock and a Hot Place
Why Fifty is the New Fifty
by Tracey Jackson
Paperback, 304 pages
Harper Paperbacks

We've all heard the claims that fifty is the new thirty. (Rarely made by thirty-year-olds, unless they are placating their mothers.)

Veteran screenwriter Tracey Jackson has a bone to pick with that. In her candid and hilarious first book, Between a Rock and a Hot Place, Why Fifty is the New Fifty, she explores and shares her own experience with aging - combating what she could and accepting what needed to be accepted. Fifty is not thirty, but with a little hard work you can be a hell of a lot younger than your grandmother was at fifty.

Tracey holds nothing back as she delves into the physical and emotional tolls of menopause, empty-nesting, later-life parenting, changes in sex drive, health issues, down-sizing, employment (or lack thereof), plastic surgery, financial considerations, and death. All while keeping the reader in stitches, I might add. No small feat - but she pulls it off beautifully. Frank and honest, wry and wicked, this is definitely the book you want to guide you through what the French refer to as the "third age". 

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Or follow her tweets on Twitter! -!/traceyjackson4

TLC Book Tours Tour Host

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