

One More Easter Goodie - Easter Egg Nests!

The other day I told you I had another Easter recipe, and I do not want to disappoint! I made these adorable little Easter Egg Nests. I'm sure you have seen a similar version all over food blogland. I combined techniques from two different recipes and came up with my own twist on these adorable "nests". Some people like to use Peeps as the birds. We aren't too fond of Peeps at our house, so I didn't want to use them just for the look of it. I decided to use candy eggs to fill up those nests instead of Peeps. They can still be nests! Just Easter egg nests instead of birds' nests :)

Easter Egg Nests
adapted from here and here
Melt peanut butter and butterscotch morsels in a large pot. Add in the chocolate square. Mix well. Add in the pretzel sticks, coating evenly. Place on parchment paper and assemble pretzels to look like nests, leaving a center which will be filled with eggs. Chill to let the chocolate harden. Once chocolate has hardened, fill with eggs.

Printable Recipe

I'm linking up to:
What's Cooking Wednesday@ Tales From the Fairy Blogmother
What's Cooking Wednesday? @ Not So Homemade

Looking for more Easter treats? Here's another keeper - simple but SO yummy! They are especially great for the kids :) Check out these Cereal Treat Easter Eggs!

Peace, and bacon grease!

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