

Friday Faves

Looky what I found this week in the food bloggy world - some wonderful recipes that I can't wait to try one of these days! Definitely go check out all of these yum recipes and the masters behind these recipes over at each of their blogs :)  If you are anything like me, you could get lost in each of their blogs for hours! And considering that I follow over 300 blogs, let's just say I spend a lot of time blog surfin!

It's almost Easter time... so of course I have been seeing tons of Easter-related recipes all over the blogosphere. I'm a sucker for themed recipes. I would love to make these Easter treats!
{Vanilla Sugar}

More Easter recipes! I am not a big fan of Peeps, but they are put to great use in these cute Easter goodies that would be great to make for your kids!
{The Cutting Back Kitchen}

Ok and one more Easter recipe! They are super cute and ultra easy! I kinda wanna make some and take them into work!
 {In Katrina's Kitchen}

I'm always on the lookout for tasty chicken recipes, since we buy chicken a lot. This one immediately grabbed my attention! Love the photo! I love lemon and garlic, and the breading looks amazing! This one's definitely going into the rotation!
{This Mommy Cooks} 

 I loves lasagna. And that sauce is intriguing me! I love to find different twists on lasagna! We will be trying this one for sure :)
{Sweet Peas and Pumpkins}

Peej and I are always on the lookout for delicious burger recipes. We kinda have a dream to open up a burger cart with one of our friends, so we are constantly looking for ways to make the best burger! This burger sounds like it could make the "best burgers" list!
{Sisters in the Kitchen}

What faves did you find this Friday? These were just a handful of my favorite recipes from bloggy world this week. 

I am linking up to Friday Favorites over at Finding Joy in My Kitchen. Won't you join me?

Peace, and bacon grease!

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