

Menu Planning - Week of 4/18/11

Today's Monday. Guess what that means?

You guessed it!

Menu plan time!

We didn't end up making that Crunchy Garlic Chicken last week. I wasn't too excited about it the more I thought about it. Plus, PJ isn't a big fan of panko (crazy, right?) so he too wasn't very enthused about this recipe. But we've got all the ingredients, so we will probably make that tonight. We made that barbeque jack chicken twice last week! And grilling out was wonderful! I can't wait for more steady warm weather so we can make grilling out a regular part of our cooking rotation. We also didn't make that pork milanese.

Monday 4/18/11:  Crunchy Garlic Chicken

Tuesday 4/19/11:  eat out

Thursday 4/21/11:  Marinated Pork Tenderloin

Friday 4/22/11:  Pork Milanese

I know, I know. My menu plans always look the same. Because I carry over recipes I didn't make from the previous week, which is usually most of the recipes! It will be a great day when if I can ever make every recipe on my menu plan for a single week.

And this Sunday is Easter! I get paid on Friday, so hopefully I can run to the grocery store and get some things needed for a few Easter treat recipes. My mama will be cooking I'm sure, but I would love to bring some treats, or at least take some to work.

I am linking up to Menu Plan Monday at I'm An Organizing Junkie....

.... And to Marvelous Menu at Ask Ms. Recipe.

Peace, and bacon grease!

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