

Cereal Treat Easter Eggs!


I'm not gonna lie, I felt like a proud food blogger this past weekend because I made two kinds of Easter-themed treats! And both were ever so simple to make! The first are these Cereal Treat Easter Eggs. They are a different take on the classic rice krispie treat, except using Fruity Pebbles. And I must admit, I thought they tasted better than regular rice krispie treats! Why doesn't EVERYONE make them like this? I dunno, but I'm gonna! They are so purty and colorful, perfect for Easter! 

I recommend using a larger pot so that there is plenty of room to add all of the marshmallows and still room to stir. I used a smaller pot and the butter was at the bottom browning away and somewhat burning the marshmallows on the bottom. And it was hard to stir. So some of them turned out being made with more of a brown butter, but the taste was still great! I love the taste of brown butter in a dessert, so really it wasn't a bad thing! Besides making a few of the eggs look a bit dirty instead of bright and colorful. I will definitely be making these more often! I was so sad that it only made about 7 (I had enough for another half an egg but there was no point trying to shape that into an egg so I just ate it. Warm. Oh my deliciousness!). Next time I will up the amount so that I can have enough to take into both my and PJ's work.

Yay for natural light! I am beginning to become a natural light freak. I am always talking about natural light this, natural light that. PJ is becoming a tad annoyed. I'm always nagging, "We need to cook early so I can get my natural light!" or "Let's open our windows so I can see that natural light, it makes me feel better and the day seem cheerier!" It really does make things better, my attitude AND my photography, see... look at my photos! They are improving  : ) I literally took my plate on the porch and took a picture outside. My kitchen doesn't get good light, so a food blogger's gotta do what a food blogger's gotta do, ya know?


Cereal Treat Easter Eggs
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 10 oz bag of marshmallows
  • 5 cups Fruity Pebbles
  • plastic Easter eggs, for shaping
In a large pot, melt butter on low-medium heat. Add marshmallows and stir until melted. Pour in the cereal and mix.

Spray plastic eggs with cooking spray. Spoon the cereal mixture into the bottom half of the egg and then close to form shape. Wait at least 10 seconds for cereal to take the shape of the egg.

*You can use one or two plastic eggs to shape the cereal mixture. I used 6 because that's what came in a package and so I could shape more at one time. You can also use vertical or horizontally split plastic eggs. I used horizontal and spooned the mixture into the bottom part of the egg and closed it off with the top part of the plastic egg.

Printable Recipe


So I know Easter is over, but please make these next Easter.... mmmmk? And they don't have to be in the shape of Easter eggs. You can make these babies just for any ole occasion... just make them in squares like rice krispie treats! And of course you can use any cereal you like. But I'd go with the Fruity Pebbles if I were you.

Looking for more Easter treats? How about these Easter Egg Nests? Kids and adults alike will love 'em!

I am linking up to:
Recipe Swap Sundays

Don't Fruity Pebbles make you feel like a kid again?  :)

Peace, and bacon grease!

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