

Grilled Corn with Chipotle Butter and Lime Salt

I just shared an amazing and simple recipe for Chipotle Butter with you, and now I'm here to tell you one of the many things to use that glorious butter on.

Grilled corn!

Oh how I love spring and summer and busting out the grill so I can indulge in some grilled corn on the cob. There's almost nothing better. And grilled corn tastes delicious with some regular melted butter of course, but why not amp that goodness up a bit? Ok, a lot!

Grilled corn on the cob + Chipotle Butter + Lime Salt.

Grilled Corn with Chipotle Butter and Lime Salt
ever-so-slightly adapted from Carlyklock
  • 2 ears corn on the cob, shucked
  • Chipotle Butter, melted (however much you want but the recipe yields 1 stick)
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt
  • zest of 1 lime
Add kosher salt and lime zest to a small bowl and stir to combine.  Set aside. 

Grill corn directly over medium-high heat, turning occasionally until browned and slightly charred on all sides. 

Melt chipotle butter and pour over grilled corn. Top with lime salt. (I had some lime salt leftover but let's be serious, that isn't a problem at all!)

Printable Recipe

I hope it's starting to feel like spring over in your neck of the woods.

Today it's 79 degrees and sunny here in Cincinnati and I'm loving every minute of it!

Linking up here

Peace, and bacon grease!

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