

My first award!!

OMG! I am so excited to say that the very sweet Miz Helen has passed on The Stylish Blogger Award to me! Well not just me, but to 15 very deserving recently discovered bloggers! I always wondered if I would ever win any awards... I always looked at others' beautiful food blogs and thought there was no way that I could ever win an award, so this really means alot! It feels good to know that people actually appreciate what I write about and actually enjoy it! So thank you so very much, Miz Helen : ) And how about you guys head on over to her country cottage? She also hosts a fun weekly link party called Full Plate Thursday that I love to participate in. 

To accept The Stylish Blogger Award I must:
  • thank and link back to the wonderful blogger who awarded me with the award
  • share 7 things about myself
  • award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
  • contact the bloggers and inform them of the award

I am delighted to do all of those things : )

Again, Miz Helen thank you so much! For seeing something in my little blog that you thought was deserving of such an award.

*And now the 7 things you guys are dying to know about me!!*
1.  I haven't grown since 6th grade. It's a hard life being short. 
2.  I want to have a baby in about 3 years or so after I have completed grad school, and want three or four total. I have a feeling after the first one, I may change my mind : )
3.  I love football and ultimate fighting.
4.  But at the same time, I love girly things like the color pink and all things zebra print.
5.  Some of my favorite hobbies are cooking, photography, and dance and I often wish I could have picked an occupation in any of those fields.
6.  I watch way too much reality tv.
7.  I love to collect cookbooks and books. And elephant figurines. And dvds. And scarves. And purses. And shoes. I am a borderline hoarder : )

So now you know a wee bit more about me! Maybe stuff you didn't wanna know, but you know all the same : )

Now I must pass this awesome award on to 15 16 deserving blogs that I love reading!

1.  Oh Krista, I must give you the first award! Your blog inspired ME to blog... so for that I will be forever thankful : ) And it doesn't hurt that you are such a sweetie! I love all of your food, girl! Everyone, head on over to Krista's Kitchen.

2.  Cassie Craves has so many recipes that I want to make, and I have made several and they were delicious! I love to catch up on what Cassie is Craving... because it usually means I will be craving it too.

3.  Another blog that I recently found, and love, is Greens and Chocolate. Taylor has such yummy recipes and takes gorgeous food photos! Glad I found her blog.

4.  Big Mama's Home Kitchen is a blog that I recently discovered and I am in love with it! She has soooo many recipes that I want to try! She recently posted about some super cute Valentine cupcakes if you need some ideas for the upcoming holiday.

5.  Jamie Cooks It Up lovely, I must say! I love her recipes. I love her photos. I love her presentation. She really puts alot of love into her blog.

6.  Delightfully Dowling - I literally just found this blog a few days ago and I found myself drawn to many of Kristin's cupcake and soup recipes. I believe she just started not too long ago so I am looking forward to more recipes from her.

7.  Kathy at Lovelace Files talks about her life as a newlywed. I love hearing about her Ugandan wedding and all of her DIY home projects!

8.  Melissa cracks me up! She writes about her life, and I can relate to her alot. She is hilarious and we like many of the same things. Her blog is always interesting!

9.  Emily at Sugar Plum has a beautiful blog, a great writing style, and admirable photos. Can't get enough of her blog!

10.  Stephanie at Confessions of a City Eater deserves this award because she is a great mommy to a gorgeous baby girl, and I love reading about her journeys as a new mommy. She also has some delish recipes to share!

11.  I love following Jenn's Food Journey. She is a sweetheart who loves fish and sauce. I am a sauce girl myself : ) She is also pretty awesome on the grill.

12.  Monica at Lick the Bowl Good... beautiful food and photos. She always seems like a sweet person. I get much inspiration from her.

13.  Erin at Ekat's Kitchen... that girl inspires me! She hasn't been blogging for much longer than me but she has gained a large following, set up a weekly linky party, and offered me great advice on my blogging journey. She really has a great blog. She just posted her 100th post too.

14.  Mandy's Recipe Box - her blog is adorable! I love the look of it, her pics, everything!
15.  Natasha over at A Day in the Life - she is a Southern cute, sweet girl who just seems so relateable and likeable! How could you not like her? She is always doing something fun and she inspires me to cherish what I have and live life to the fullest! She's also about to get married, congrats Natasha! They are an adorable couple.

And just because I want to and can, I also want to give the award to a 16th person, Faith. You are such a sweetie, and I love your positive attitude!  I noticed that you already have this award displayed on your blog but I still had to pass this on to you also ; )

All of these people deserve this award, in my eyes. You guys have such creativity and are so very stylish!!! Congrats and please accept this award from me to all of you. You can proudly display the badge on your blog.

Now I have to go contact all of these fabulous peeps : ) Have a nice weekend, everyone! I know I will!

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