

Menu Planning - Week of 1/24/11

Hey bloggy friends! It's Monday again, and I have a menu plan for you! Well, not really for you... it's for us, but you get my gist! Just thought I would share what we're eating this upcoming week : )

Tuesday 1/25/11:  Basil Scallops w/ asparagus

Wednesday 1/26/11:  Parmesan Meatballs w/ linguine & garlic bread

Thursday 1/27/11:  Zuppa Toscana (AGAIN!) w/ garlic bread - this may just end up on our menu plan at least once a week :)  

Friday 1/28/11:  Chicken Braciole with Alfredo Sauce w/ broccoli

And as always, I am linking up to Menu Plan Mondays over at I'm An Organizing Junkie. If you don't know about Laura's blog, pretty please stop over there... especially if you are like me and need some order in your life! She is constantly supplying us chaotic minded people (that's me!) with organizing products and advice, and right now she has a '52 Weeks of Organizing' activity going on where she challenges us all to write a list of organizing tasks that need to be completed in 52 weeks. So you are to focus on one organizational task each week, and hopefully by the end of the year you (I!!!) will have a more organized, functional, clutter-free house! I have written down some tasks for about half of the year, but haven't blogged about it. I don't know if I am going to blog about my journey, or just try to do it at home and just going by my hand-written list. I dunno, it sounds kinda fun to post before and after pics so I can see the progress I have made. Maybe I will create a separate blog for it, or maybe I will just post about it on this blog when I feel like it. Or maybe I won't post about it at all! I am not sure if you guys would even wanna read about that! Either way, I am participating cuz I need some order in my life!

Seriously, head on over there to take part in Laura's Menu Plan Mondays or her 52 Weeks of Organizing. She makes me wanna be an organized person  :)

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