

Garlic and Lemon Roasted Asparagus

You gotta love simple, basic recipes. They make life so much easier after a long day's work. I love recipes like these. Delicious, nutritious, and yet so quick and easy to make without a lot of fuss. 

Besides the fact that it makes my pee smell funny, I pretty much love asparagus. I used to be so much more of a picky eater, and it was always tough for me to find veggies that I liked. Asparagus has just always been one of those veggies I like. I definitely like it grilled, with that nice charred taste. But usually I am roasting it in the oven. I serve my asparagus usually with some kind of seafood, like fish or scallops. Sorry, no measurements here. This is a recipe I came up with on my own, and didn't really measure out the seasonings or oil. Just use however much you like :)

Garlic and Lemon Roasted Asparagus
From the kitchen of SteakNPotatoesKindaGurl
  • asparagus
  • olive oil
  • 1 lemon + juice
  • salt
  • pepper
  • garlic powder 
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Rinse the asparagus, and break off the ends and discard. Place asparagus on baking pan and drizzle the tips with a bit of olive oil. Slice the lemon in half and squeeze the juice over top of the asparagus. Season the asparagus with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Then slice the lemon thinly and place a few slices over top of the asparagus to cook with it in the oven. Bake for about 15 minutes. Stir asparagus once finished to make sure all of the flavors are distributed evenly.

Yeah, I know you are asking.... why in the world would you post such a simple recipe? But sometimes I have found myself needing directions for even the simplest things, like how to roast broccoli, or how to saute green beans. So here it is for you, simple and easy and yet so tasty. You will thank me later.  : )

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