

Wylde on Health by Bryce Wylde

Wylde on Health
Your Best Choices in the World of Natural Health
by Bryce Wylde

Trade Paperback, 352 pages

I was pleasantly surprised at how thorough and insightful this book on health was. I have to admit, my early flower-child years with parents who eschewed regular doctors for naturopaths, etc., left me suspicious of alternative medicine for quite some time. (Note to all hippie parents out there - if your child wets the bed - suggest peeing before going to sleep, rather than vibrationally charged homeopathic medicines. Just sayin'.)

Bryce Wilde encourages his readers to take charge of their health through education, nutrition, exercise, traditional medicine and alternative medicine - together for a whole-being, whole-person, healthiest living possible. I love that. He also calls out the myths and snake-oil types of alternative medicines and gives you all the information you need to make healthy choices.

The well-organized, quite thorough book is also filled with links that can be scanned with a QR Smart Device and/or accessed by web page - to view video clips that further illustrate the subjects.

Wylde on Health goes above and beyond expectations and will be the perfect guide book for a healthier new year and a healthier new you.

Contents include:

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - How Healthy Are We?
1. They've Got Us Surrounded
2. The Digestive System
3. Of Men and Women
4. Pumping Iron
5. The Life of the Mind
6. A Pain in the Life
7. A Matter of Years

Chapter 3 - Getting Healthy 
1. The First Defence
2. What Goes In
3. Sexual Healing
4. Wide Circulation
5. Compos Mentis
6. Dealing with Pain
7. As Time Goes By

Chapter 4 - Staying Healthy
1. The Immune System in Balance
2. Your Guts, Your Glory
3. Libido for Life
4. Changes of Heart
5. Mind Your Own Brain
6. Anti-Inflammation
7. Beyond Your Years

Chapter 5 - Conclusion:
Past, Present and Future Medicine 

BRYCE WYLDE is the author of the national bestseller The Antioxidant Prescription. He graduated with a combined honours degree in biology and psychology from York University in Toronto. He went on to pursue a career in complementary alternative medicine and nutrition, graduating with a diploma in homeopathic medicine and health sciences (DHMHS) from the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine. Known as a world leader in complementary alternative health, Wylde is a highly knowledgeable and respected natural healthcare practitioner specializing in homeopathy, clinical nutrition and botanical medicine and whose focus is routed within functional medicine.  Wylde began his television hosting career with CTV in early 2008 with the highly-rated weekly television show Wylde on Health. Wylde lectures frequently on the prevalence of junk science in the natural health world and has made it his mission to “debunk the junk.” Bryce Wylde tweets @wyldeonhealth out of Toronto.

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