

Born Weird by Andrew Kaufman

Born Weird
by Andrew Kaufman

Trade Paperback, 288 pages

It is apt that Weird is in the title and also the last name of the family featured in this book as it is an odd, quirky tale that reads like fable, although more modern than some.

The Weird family was given blessings that turned out to be curses (blursings) by their grandmother, each as they were brought into the world. In a "be careful what you wish for" sense, grandma (The Shark) realizes on her deathbed that the blursings must be undone for each Weird child (now semi-functioning adult) to live life fully.

Angie Weird has only two weeks to find and assemble all of her siblings to be present for The Shark's passing and the undoing of their curses.

Born Weird is a modern fairytale, effusively and joyously filled with the F word. It reminds me a little of the television show Pushing Daisies, with its quirky narration. A fun and unique book to brighten up these dreary months ahead.

Photo credit: Lee Towndrow
ANDREW KAUFMAN is the author of All My Friends Are Superheroes, The Tiny Wife, and The Waterproof Bible. He was born in Wingham, Ontario, the birthplace of Alice Munro, making him the second-best writer from a town of 3000. His work has been published in 11 countries and translated into 9 languages. He is also an accomplished screenwriter and lives in Toronto with his wife and their 2 children.

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