

My Life Bucket List .... {Non-Food Related}


I'm back with more goals for the future. I'm very ambitious today. 

This time the focus isn't food, though.

These are goals that I personally have that have nothing to do with food. Yes, I do have a life outside of food. A very lame one, but still, I have one.  These are goals to make that lame life a better, more fulfilled one!

  1. Vacation outside of the U.S.
  2. Visit at least 10 states
  3. Write a book
  4. Plant a garden
  5. Create a quote book
  6. Ride an elephant
  7. Swim with dolphins
  8. Go horseback riding
  9. Go on a cruise
  10. Reach my goal weight of 130 lbs
  11. Visit a major US monument
  12. Earn my Master's degree (on my way there!)
  13. Exchange handwritten or typed letters with a pen pal
  14. Take a photography class or workshop
  15. Volunteer for something psychology related
  16. Go on a hot air balloon
  17. Sell something on Etsy
  18. Sell something on Ebay or Craigslist
  19. Go on a road trip
  20. Get a renovated, updated kitchen
  21. Learn to play my guitar
  22. Go to the casino
  23. Take a salsa dance lesson
  24. Take a boxing or mixed martial arts class
  25. Go to a shooting range
  26. Learn another language
  27. Attend a concert
  28. Attend a Zumba class
  29. Have a penpal
  30. Own an iPhone
  31. Learn to surf
  32. Go white water rafting - the real thing!
  33. Visit a waterfall
  34. Go to an art gallery
  35. Go to Disneyworld or Disneyland
  36. Paint or draw something amazing using my supplies
  37. Solve the Rubix cube
  38. Scrapbook
  39. Go on a vacation with my mama
  40. Have a maid
  41. Buy a new car
  42. Go to a Reds game
  43. Go to a Bengals game
  44. Have a child
  45. Install a hot tub in our home
  46. Give to charity
  47. Go to the KY derby
  48. Host my own holiday dinner
  49. Cook an entire Thanksgiving meal
  50. Mud wrestle or do a mud run
  51. Learn to do a cartwheel
  52. Go to a live taping
  53. Get a tattoo
  54. Be on the "Amazing Race" (this has been on my bucket list for awhile now but realistically I dunno if I could do it...)
  55. Attend a murder mystery dinner
  56. Become a licensed counselor
  57. Go to Six Flags
  58. Go to Cedar Point
  59. Attend a parade 
  60. Learn to use html 
  61. Reach my reading challenge goal

This list will probably keep being updated as I think of more things that I wanna do before I die.  I know I'm forgetting some things.

Check out my Recipe Bucket List and my Food-Related Bucket List, too!

Peace, and bacon grease!

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