

The Versatile Blogger Award!

I'm very honored to have received The Versatile Blogger award from Teri at The Freshman Cook!! Thank you so much, I'm honored and this made my day :)  I had already received this award from Faith & Daisies last year, but it's always nice to get awards so I'll take all that I can get.  It really makes me feel good that people like what I'm posting. I appreciate you!

The rules are:
  • Thank the person who awarded you by linking back to their post
  • Pass the award on to 15 other new or newly discovered blogs
  • List 7 interesting things about yourself 

I dunno if I can come up with 7 interesting things about myself, but here goes...

1. I'm almost done with my first semester in grad school and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I should have done this 4 years ago!

2. I'm currently watching the whole 3rd season of Parenthood and I'm completely obsessed. It is such a great show. How can I feel a whole range of emotions in one show?! Sadness, happiness, anger, guilt, frustration... the show depicts real life and families so well. Please watch this show if you haven't already, I don't know how you can't like it!

3. I have a gym membership for me and my fiancee and we haven't utilized it in over a year. Oops.

4. My fiancee and I have been together for almost 12 years this May 12th... since I was 15 years old! And he's still my best friend and the person I love to spend all of my time with.

5. I've never been to a farmer's market but have been yearning to! It's on my bucket list.

6. Really hoping to go on a vacation this summer. We didn't get to last year, and it MUST happen this summer. We were planning on going to Florida in May for our 12th dating anniversary, but now I've got class and it won't work out timing-wise. Probably can't go in May or June due to school, but in July or August... it's on!! Anybody know of some less-crowded places to visit in Florida?

7. I haven't planned one detail of our wedding. We've been engaged now for almost 2 years, and I have no plans of starting to plan anytime soon. With grad school I found out that it helps to get financial aid if I'm not married, so that also put a halt on me rushing to plan it. Plus I dunno what kinda wedding I want... do I want big or small? who do I invite? shouldn't I lose weight first so I look pretty in my dress? but wait, I don't wanna go to the gym. do I want a destination wedding? if not, where would I have it?  You see the questions that invaded my brain, and since it felt a bit overwhelming I just decided to not think about it anymore lol. We've been together this long, no rush now! Neither of us is going anywhere :)

That's it about me. Hope it was at least semi-interesting.

And now for the new-to-me blogs that I'm passing this award on to:

9. Dwell on Joy
10. Elsa Cooks
11. Emily Bites
12. Veronica's Cornucopia
13. Just Call Me Maria
14. Karen Cooks
15. Life Is Sweets

I thought it'd be difficult to come up with 15 new-to-me blogs, but it was so easy. It was actually hard for me to narrow it down. So many amazing blogs out there that I am lucky enough to find randomly! Please check out all of these wonderful blogs, they really do deserve this award.

Thanks again, Teri! People like you make blogging more worth it :)

Peace, and bacon grease!

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