

Peanut Butter and Jelly S'mores {Improv Cooking Challenge}

Hey friends! It's time for another round of the Improv Cooking Challenge, hosted by Kristen from Frugal Antics of a Harried Homemaker

For this month we had to pick something peanut butter and jelly related. Can you believe I was never crazy about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? Yeah, I was that kid. Weird. So I was excited to see what other peanut butter and jelly recipes live out there in the vast world of recipes. I went through my longgggg list - like 200 pages worth - of recipes from blogs that I've wanted to try, did a search for "peanut butter and jelly", and was oohing and aahing over my options. Did you know there are tons of peanut butter and jelly bars and cupcake recipes out there? I'll try them one day, but for now I was drawn to these peanut butter and jelly s'mores. Uh, genius! I love when I can find a unique, creative recipe. I hadn't heard of this idea before and was intrigued. Cuz I used to love s'mores. Loved my marshmallows burnt. Extra burnt.

The only change I made was that I added some chocolate to it too, to make it a true s'mores. Plus the peanut butter and jelly of course. 

Overdoing it? I.think.not.

Peanut Butter and Jelly S'mores
slightly adapted from Cookin' Up North
  • creamy peanut butter
  • strawberry jelly (or whatever kind you prefer)
  • graham cracker
  • 2 marshmallows
  • 2 squares of chocolate (I used a Symphony milk chocolate candy bar)
For one s'more, break a graham cracker in half and spread with peanut butter and jelly. I used 2 normal sized marshmallows. Stick a square of chocolate in each of the 2 normal sized marshmallows and roast until marshmallows are browned to your satisfaction. Put on top of the peanut butter and jelly-topped graham cracker and then top with the other graham cracker half.

Looks like PJ was ready to dive in head first. We enjoyed this treat! It was fun to "roast" the marshmallows on the stove, but it would of course be a great idea for camping too. Put a twist on the old s'more, plus it's so easy to bring along some peanut butter and jelly too.

Oh, and check out the other Improvers' peanut butter and jelly recipes below:

Linking up here.

Peace, and bacon grease!

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