Since I can't find the time to always get good photos in natural light, edit them, and then blog about it, I think I can make time to tell you guys what I'm loving weekly. So you can get to know me a little better too!
I'm loving my new grill that PJ bought me for my 27th birthday, which was Saturday by the way. I'm still taking gifts, thanks :)
I'm loving that I have no homework this week in my classes. Kinda feels like spring break again except that I do have to go to class.
I'm loving that I got my new summer and fall semester schedules.
Time to change it up a bit. (Not sure why you can barely see it. In picasa it looked fine. Click on the photo to zoom in if you really wanna know what classes I'm taking, which I'm sure you don't!)

I'm loving my freshly painted toes from a pedicure with my niecey last week when she came in from Akron. I tried to take a picture but my feet looked funny. You can just imagine then. Bright pink for spring!
I'm loving these cereal bars I found at Kroger and I've become addicted to them. For reals. I'm seeing some homemade versions coming on. No I do not eat healthy, and yes I snack like an 8 year old.
I'm loving this website I recently found from this blog. I am always having all sorts of auto correct problems on my phone. You should really check out the other sites at the top, too. You know you wanna see some parents' texts, wrong texts, and really ghetto stuff. I know I do.
And lastly, I'm loving Godiva's milk chocolate salted caramel bar. If you don't know by now, I love sweet n salty. I have a whole pinterest board devoted to it.
That's all folks! Come back next Wednesday to see what else I'm loving. And hopefully I can get some recipes on here sometime in the near future for you guys. Thanks for reading, friends!
Linking up here.
Peace, and bacon grease!
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