

Armchair Novel Review: Victims by Jonathan Kellerman

An Alex Delaware Novel
Written by Jonathan Kellerman

Hardcover, 352 pages

Also available as an abridged audio CD, unabridged audio CD, abridged audiobook download, unabridged audiobook download, eBook and in large print trade paperback.

Jonathan Kellerman is the master of the psychological suspense mystery. In his Alex Delaware series, Alex Delaware is a psychologist who assists the police in investigations, specifically aiding his friend Milo Sturgis - a gruff hard-boiled cop - with the subtle psychological implications of crimes. 

This odd couple make for a great sleuthing team, and I love having the psychologist's perspective in the mysteries. As you know, the psychology of a mystery is half the fun. Maybe more.

In Victims, someone is creating grotesque tableaus out of human bodies in a somewhat Jack the Ripper fashion. The first victim is so acerbic that any number of people could be to blame. But when more, apparently unconnected bodies start piling up, it is up to Delaware and Sturgis to dig deep into the victims' pasts and find what could possibly link them together, and stop the madman from killing again. 

Always well plotted and suspenseful, Kellerman never disappoints. Victims will have you up late at night turning pages until the very end. 

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