

Armchair Novel Review: Vanished by Liza Marklund

Written by Liza Marklund

Trade Paperback, 528 pages
Also available as an eBook

Liza Marklund has been called Scandinavia’s undisputed queen of crime fiction. She draws on her background in journalism to write the #1 international bestselling Annika Bengtzon series.

In the series, we see Annika go from nervous intern to editor of the newspaper - but not in chronological order. Each book has its own point in time, a fascinating way of writing a series, resulting in the reader being able to jump in with any of the books and enjoy a great story.
"In what order should I read your books?"
"Doesn't matter. Start wherever you like. I didn't even write them in chronological order, I started with the 4th...This has never been a problem anywhere – except for Germany. I've done over a hundred readings all over Germany, and as soon as the audience gets a chance, this is usually the first question they ask: Warum?? Why on earth did you start with the fourth book in the series?!? They seem to like to get their things in a good and orderly fashion over there, one two three four...
The books are dark, as Scandinavian crime novels tend to be, and Annika's character is refreshingly complex. 

In Vanished - Annika is doing night research in her limited capacity at the paper. A call comes in that nobody wants to deal with and the woman is given to Annika to talk to. She has set up a foundation called Paradise that wipes out people's identities and leaves them untraceable for their own protection from criminals who would do them harm. She mostly deals with women and children, an issue close to Annika's heart. She wants the paper to write about her foundation. 

Annika is at the same time wearied by the numerous waste of time phone calls she gets, intrigued by this foundation and the services it provides, and suspicious as to the woman's motives for calling her. She sets up a meeting that starts her on the path of intrigue involving Eastern European criminal organizations, theft, fraud, and personal danger. This is also the book in which she meets Thomas. A must read for fans of Nordic mysteries!

Check out Liza Marklund's website here -
And her Facebook fan page here -

Other books in the Annika Bengtzon series:
Red Wolf
Nobel's Last Will
A Place in the Sun

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