

March's Secret Recipe Club - Sausage Cheese Breakfast Biscuits

Why hello there! I've missed you. I've been blogging less these days.... I hope you'll forgive me! I hope to get back on track one of these days because I really do miss it.

I'm so happy to be bringing you a tasty treat today for The Secret Recipe Club. This month I was lucky to be assigned the wonderful blog, Feast on the Cheap, run by mother-daughter duo Mary Anne and Mariel, and Mary Anne is a professional caterer. I've got love for the catering business because that's what PJ does for a living! It sure would be nice to start a catering company one day. 

Um, loved this site! Every month when I get my assignment, I go through and list all the recipes I'm interested in on a word document and save it, and let me tell you... there were a LOT of recipes from this blog that made my list. But eventually I settled on their Southern Sausage and Cheese Breakfast Biscuits, because I can never pass up breakfast food. It's one of my favorite things. I love sausage almost as much as I love bacon. You know that's big, people. So I knew I wanted these balls in my mouth. Oh, oops. Too much?

Went to the grocery and got the necessary ingredients... including ground cloves and allspice, which I've never used before. Kinda pricey! I also purchased maple sausage, but when I got home I noticed that the recipe called for ground pork, not sausage like I had thought. I kinda realized that the recipe was calling me to make my own homemade sausage using ground pork (not ground sausage) and all of the spices, including the allspice and ground cloves. Since I had bought sausage and not ground pork, I didn't want to use all of the spices called for in the original recipe because then I may be over-seasoning it if the sausage I had bought was already seasoned, which I assume it is. So I decided that the best thing to do was just not use the spices since I bought sausage instead of ground pork as to not over season. So now I have some pricey allspice and ground cloves in the pantry waiting to be used up.... any suggestions??

We also halved the recipe as to only make about 25 instead of 50. Turns out that we only got about 20 out of them. Guess I made mine a little too big...

Sausage Cheese Breakfast Biscuits
adapted from Feast on the Cheap

*Makes about 20
  • 2 and 1/4 cups Bisquick
  • 1/3 cup buttermilk
  • 1/2 lb Bob Evans ground maple pork sausage
  • 1/4 lb extra sharp cheddar cheese, grated
  • warm maple syrup, for serving
Position the oven rack to the middle level. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the Bisquick and buttermilk, stirring to combine. 

In a separate mixing bowl, combine the sausage and cheese, using a fork to combine thoroughly. 

Add the sausage-cheese mixture to the Bisquick mixture. Powder your hands with a tablespoon or so of  Bisquick or flour and gently knead the mixture until thoroughly combined. 

Shape the mixture into 1-inch balls, rolling between palms.

Place the balls on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for 15 minutes or so until golden. Transfer to a serving tray and serve with warm maple syrup.

Printable Recipe

These balls were so tasty! I loved the mix of sausage and biscuit. Two in one! Can't beat that. And I liked the hint of cheesiness. I wanted to experiment and try it with some cool spicy pepper cheese I saw at the grocery store but thought that may mess up the whole recipe if supposed to be served with sweet maple syrup. The sharp cheddar worked well. Next time maybe I will be daring and try some different kinds of cheese! We will definitely be making these tasty breakfast balls for our weekend breakfasts. Can you say, "keeper"?

Linking up here.

Peace, and bacon grease!

My entry into Just Something I Whipped Up sponsored by Appliances Online and the Bosch Washing Machines

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