

Salted Candied Pecans { Week 3 of The 12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies and Sweets!}

We're another week closer to Christmas, people! Here we are at Week 3 of The 12 Week of Christmas Cookies and Sweets challenge, hosted by Brenda at Meal Planning Magic.
I chose a super simple recipe that I could throw together in just minutes. Salted Candied Pecans.

Mine weren't as coated as Peabody's, I'm not sure why, but they were still spectacular! And super easy. The sugar did start to dry up and harden and I wasn't able to coat them very well, so I just added a bit more water to get it workable again. You really can't mess this up.

Salted Candied Pecans
slightly adapted from Culinary Concoctions by Peabody
  • 1 cup unsalted raw pecans
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 3 tbsp water
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
In a medium or large saucepan, combine pecans, sugar, and the water over medium heat. When the sugar begins to liquefy, begin stirring. Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until the sugar crystallizes.

Decrease the heat to medium-low and continue to cook, stirring, letting the crystallized sugar on the bottom melt and brown slightly.

Use a spatula to scrape up the liquefied sugar and continuously coat the pecans with it, tilting the pan to help the sugar coat the nuts evenly.

Once pecans are a bit glossy and coated with syrup(there will be some sugary crystals on them still, which is normal) sprinkle the seas salt and cinnamon over them Stir the pecans a couple of times, then scrape the candied pecans onto a baking sheet and let cool completely.

Printable Recipe

Make these. Quick! Top them on some ice cream, substitute them for regular pecans in recipes that seem fit, or just eat some as a snack or light dessert. Basically, eat these any time you can. Now I'm off to indulge in some of these sweet, nutty sensations for lunch! :)

And don't forget to check out the other Christmas goodies in the blog hop below.

P.S. Sorry for the subpar photos.... man I can't wait to get a dslr one day!!

Peace, and bacon grease!

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