

Monterey Ranch Bread

By now, you know that I am slightly obsessed with Cassie's blog. Not the stalker kinda way. Just the kinda way that I swear by all of her recipes. I will make anything that she recommends on her blog. I seriously have a list of over 100 recipes of hers that I must make! Here's one to cross off the list.... her Monterey Ranch Bread. Because everyone needs a high caloric yet delicious side item here and there! Ok yes, this recipe uses a few fatty ingredients. But hey if you add some parsley for garnish, that can count as being a healthy, right? - it's green and a veggie :)

Anyways, high in calories or not, this bread is also high in flavor. Can you really go wrong with ranch and cheese-covered crusty bread? Exactly.

The original recipe comes from Taste of Home, and I am usually a fan of their recipes, so I figured it would be a keeper if both TOH AND Cassie say so!

Monterey Ranch Bread
slightly adapted from Cassie Craves and Krista's Kitchen , who adapted it from Taste of Home
  • 2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese
  • 3/4 cup ranch dressing
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • Loaf of French bread, split in half lengthwise (use however much you need, we didn't use the whole loaf)
  • Fresh parsley, for garnish
    In a bowl, melt butter and stir in garlic powder. Brush on the bread with a pastry brush. Place bread under broiler until it's slightly brown and crispy.

    Combine cheese and ranch dressing and divide evenly over bread. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

    Sprinkle with parsley for garnish. Let sit 5 minutes before slicing.

    Printable Recipe

    Next time I think I will make it with the parsley, because it makes the picture just a little more colorful and pretty.

    And as you can see, we served this bread with some White Chicken Chili. I'll have that recipe for you one of these days. Perfect for chilly fall or winter evening.

    Peace, and bacon grease!

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