

Menu Planning - Week of 6/27/11

I was off today. But not for fun. My face is kind of in pain and swollen. I had to get some tag removed from my nose! So for the next week or so I'm going to look awful! Ok not to that extent maybe, but the pimple-like thing on my nose will be red and swollen, and then will eventually scab up and turn black and ugly. Ew. I'm not looking forward to this. But I'll be happy when it's gone. I was going to slap the next person who told me I had something on my nose, handing me a tissue, as if it were a booger or something. No people, I'm sorry my face isn't perfect. I'll try to live up to your standards next time. So now that it will be red and swollen and black and scabby, maybe they will notice that it's actually my skin and not comment on it. Or maybe I'll wear one of those little circular bandaids on the tip of my nose. At least three people have said something to me about it, two of which were strangers. Rude much? Ok maybe they were just trying to help a sista out, in case I did need a tissue or somethin. I just want my face to be back to normal! Ok enough about my face :) Are you grossed out yet?

So since I was at home I had plenty of time for menu planning. Last night we were supposed to make that evil chicken dinner, but we ordered Dominos instead. So we made that tonight since I bought all of the ingredients at Kroger yesterday.

Monday 6/27/11:  Evil Chicken Dinner

Tuesday 6/28/11:  out to eat with family

Friday 7/1/11:  BBQ Beef Shepherd's Pie

Linking up to Menu Plan Monday. 

And this upcoming weekend is already 4th of July weekend. Holy smokes! How does the time fly? Be safe, everyone!

Peace, and bacon grease!

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