

Happy Blogiversary to Me!!!! [a day late]

Guys!!! Guys!!! I just realized that yesterday, June 29th, was the one year anniversary of the start of this blog. Wow. Time really does fly by. It has truly been a wonderful experience, meeting new people who share my love of food, learning about food photography and improving on it, trying new restaurants, and branching out of my comfort zone by making new recipes. I don't ever want to stop! So happy one year blogiversary to this little blog that started as a way for me to review restaurants... and has turned into so much more. Now I have an idea of some of the things that make me happy in life, and blogging and FOOD are two of them.


So.... I'm thinkin.... maybe a little giveaway???? You guys up for that? I thought you might be :) I wanted to back when I reached 100 followers. But that didn't happen. So this is the perfect opportunity for my first giveaway! I'm excited, and a little nervous, not gonna lie. I don't really know why, lol! 

Now I just need to think about what to giveaway. Stay tuned!

And thanks for all of you amazing followers. Your comments, your advise and suggestions, and your thoughtfulness have been so appreciated. It's been a pleasure getting to know all of you. Thanks for reading :)

Peace, and bacon grease!

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