

The Complete Best of Bridge Cookbooks, Volume 3

The Complete Best of Bridge Cookbooks
Volume 3
All 350 Recipes from That's Trump and Aces
Hardcover, 408 pages, ring binding

All the fabulous recipes in one handy volume!

The Bridge cookbooks are a Canadian staple. They are set apart from the new, fancy cookbooks in that they deal with the kinds of food mom (or grandma) used to make for guests and on Bridge night.

You won't find any sous vide or micro gastronomy here, just lots of great recipes for classic and fun dishes. 

Contents Include:
Brunch and Lunch
Main Dishes
Muffins and Quick Breads
Starters and Sides
Munchies, Dips and Beverages
Salads and Dressings
Potatoes and Rice
Sauces, Condiments and Seasonings
Fish and Seafood
Chicken and Pheasant
Pork and Lamb
Beef and Veal
Pasta and Pizza
"Baddies" but Goodies
Cookies and Candies
Cakes, Bars and Squares
Pies and Tarts
Just Desserts

Brie with Sun-Dried Tomatoes, page 62 (snack, appetizer, holidays, entertaining)

4 oz    sun-dried tomatoes in oil,    125 g
    finely chopped
3 to 4    cloves garlic, minced    3 to 4
6 oz    Brie cheese    175 g
2 tbsp    chopped fresh parsley    30 mL

Mix tomatoes and garlic and pile generously on cheese. Sprinkle with parsley. (it’s not necessary to remove rind from cheese.) Heat in oven at 350°F (180°C) for a few minutes until cheese is soft. Serve with bagel chips or crackers.

Excerpted from The Complete Best of Bridge Cookbooks, Volume 3 by The Best of Bridge Ladies © 2013 www.robertrose.caReprinted with publisher permission.

Szechuan Beef with Broccoli, page 240 (quick dinner, family fav)
Here’s a delicious way to use leftover rare beef.

1 tbsp    cornstarch    15 mL
3 tbsp    dry sherry    45 mL
1⁄2 cup    oyster sauce    125 mL
1⁄4 cup    water    60 mL
1⁄2 tsp    hot pepper flakes    2 mL
2 tbsp    vegetable oil    30 mL
1 tbsp    slivered gingerroot    15 mL
1    clove garlic, crushed    1
1    bunch broccoli, cut into florets    1
1    red bell pepper, seeded and cut    1
    into thin strips
2    celery stalks, cut diagonally    2
6    green onions, cut into    6
    11⁄2-inch (4 cm) pieces
2 cups    cooked beef, cut into strips    500 mL

Dissolve cornstarch in sherry, oyster sauce and water. Add hot pepper flakes. In a wok or large skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add ginger and garlic. Stir-fry 1 minute. Add broccoli, stir-fry 3 minutes. Add red pepper, celery and green onions. Stir-fry 3 minutes. Add cornstarch mixture and beef. Stir-fry 3 minutes. Serve with rice.
Serves 4.

Excerpted from The Complete Best of Bridge Cookbooks, Volume 3 by The Best of Bridge Ladies © 2013 www.robertrose.caReprinted with publisher permission.

Upside-Down Chocolate Fudge Pudding, page 370
A great winter dessert — the sauce ends up on the bottom and the cake on top!

1 cup    all-purpose flour    250 mL
2 tsp    baking powder    10 mL
3⁄4 cup    granulated sugar    175 mL
1⁄2 tsp    salt    2 mL
3 tbsp    unsweetened cocoa powder    45 mL
1⁄2 cup    milk    125 mL
2 tbsp    margarine, melted    30 mL
1⁄4 cup    chopped pecans (optional)    60 mL
3⁄4 cup    brown sugar    175 mL
1⁄2 cup    unsweetened cocoa powder    125 mL
2 cups    boiling water    500 mL

Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, salt and 3 tbsp (45 mL) cocoa together. Combine milk and melted margarine. Add to dry ingredients to form a stiff mixture. Add nuts if desired. Put into a greased 8-inch (20 cm) square baking pan. Combine brown sugar, 1⁄2 cup (125 mL) cocoa and boiling water. Pour over batter and bake for 40 minutes. Serve warm with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream or orange sherbet.
Serves 4 to 6.

Excerpted from The Complete Best of Bridge Cookbooks, Volume 3 by The Best of Bridge Ladies © 2013 www.robertrose.caReprinted with publisher permission.

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