

Brussels Sprout 8-Ways And Great Seafood at Tapenade (West LA)

New restaurants keep popping up on Sawtelle Blvd and they're not all Japanese. Tucked inside the Olympic Collections is Tapenade, which all brussels sprout lovers should visit.

The chef, Ressul Rassalat, also loves it so much he serves it multiple ways at his restaurant. They're all prepared the same style and crispy, but with different flavors. Currently I'm counting eight different flavors of brussels sprout on the menu, and he will either rotate or add more! I had to order the "Indonesian" (because I am one, in case you didn't know) even though that was not one of the waitress' recommendations. This latest addition is made with pineapple, cashews, lime and chili ($9).
brussels sprout

It wasn't quite typical Indonesian flavors but it was spicy and tropical. I want to try the Moroccan one next, which comes with lamb, olives, goat cheese, and red wine vinegar.

Goat cheese tapenade, brioche bread ($10)

I had to try a tapenade because of the restaurant's name! I liked its creaminess (and wished there were more bread).

I especially enjoyed the seafood dishes here, where I think the chef's classical training really shows. Try the Seared scallops, New England chowder ($14)

I thought New England chowder was the white, creamy ones and that the red one is a Manhattan chowder? Well, anyway, the scallops were perfectly cooked and fresh, and the light chowder broth had a lot of of flavors.

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