

Homemade Salted Caramel Sauce + Chocolate Dipped Potato Chips with Caramel

Hey there friends.

Did you guys have a nice weekend? Mine was pretty uneventful. I like those sometimes though.

It's time for this month's Secret Recipe Club. I was assigned Danielle's blog, Hugs & CookiesXOXO, you know... the one with all the to-die-for creative treats! It was so hard to choose a recipe! But I was sold when I saw homemade salted caramel. You guys know about my love of salted caramel by now. 


I did have some probs with the salted caramel sauce. But I tend to have problems lol. The sugar did melt when over heat, but when I removed it from heat like the recipe says, it got all clumpy and hard as a rock. I really thought my sauce was doomed. But I decided to just go with it and added the heavy cream and put it back over the heat to get that hardened sugar soft again. Not sure if I messed something up along the way, but I'd say don't remove it from heat. She also recommends adding the cream drop by drop... I added in a little at a time but more than a drop, stirring here and there. You can add it drop by drop if you like.


Homemade Salted Caramel Sauce 
slightly adapted from Hugs & CookiesXOXO
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 and 2/3 cups heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons salted butter
  • 3/4 teaspoon coarse sea salt   
Spread the sugar in an even layer in a large metal pot, at least 6 quarts. Set over a moderate heat and cook without stirring, until the sugar near the edge just starts to liquefy. 

Use a wooden spoon and begin stirring, encouraging the melted sugar around the edges toward the center, delicately stirring up any sugar melting on the bottom as well. The sugar will start to look pebbly as it cooks, but keep going until it is melted completely and an amber color. If you think it is cooking too fast, lower the heat and keep stirring. Be patient. Continue to cook until the sugar turns deep brown. 

Add the heavy cream, stirring in a little at a time. Once smooth, add butter and sea salt. Remove from heat and let cool. Will store in fridge up to one month.

Printable Recipe


And then what to do with that caramel? (besides slurp it up by the spoonful).


Well, one thing I did with it was use it to top some chocolate-dipped potato chips, also from Danielle's blog. Another sweet and salty win. Ever since I tried some chocolate covered potato chips from Sweeties Jumbo Chocolates, I've been hooked.

Chocolate Dipped Potato Chips with Caramel
from Hugs & CookiesXOXO 
  • thick, wavy potato chips (like Lay's)
  • melting chocolates (I used Wilton's candy melts)
  • Homemade Salted Caramel Sauce (recipe above)
  • coarse sea salt
Melt chocolate, dip potato chips in chocolate. Sprinkle with sea salt. Allow to set at room temperature or in fridge. Drizzle with caramel.

Printable Recipe 


This is sweet and salty heaven. So much better than I was expecting. I think I'm gonna turn that whole bag of chips into chocolate and caramel-covered chips. Nothing wrong with that. Actually, it would be wrong if I didn't.

Don't EVEN try to doubt the goodness. 

Peace, and bacon grease!

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