

Molasses Fennel Rye Bread

Good morning! You smell that glorious scent? That is molasses fennel rye and it makes the most wonderful toast. And doubles as potpourri as your whole house will smell delicious while it is baking.

The molasses adds a lovely dark hue to the bread, as well as the deep minerally sweetness. What a perfect bread to celebrate the coming autumnal season. Now that the nights are getting that snap of chill in the air, my baking bug is returning. Is yours? If so, this is a wonderful bread to kick off the baking season with. It is simple and delicious. And so wonderfully fragrant!

Molasses Fennel Rye was Elizabeth's choice for Bread Baking Babes bread of the month. See her post for the original instructions and information on how to participate as a Bread Baking Buddy this month.

I am rather fond of my tangerine orange stand mixer and tend to start my breads in them, so I have adapted mine for the mixer. Elizabeth prefers the traditional ways and her instructions will reflect that. However you make yours, I guarantee you will love it! The dough is soft and lovely to work with and the resulting bread makes delicious toasted sandwiches. I recommend eating it with sharp cheddar.

Bon appetit!
Molasses Fennel Rye Bread  
based on Jack Francis' recipe for Molasses-Fennel Bread served at "Clark's by the Bay" restaurant in Collins Bay, Ontario (near Kingston)
makes two  loaves

    1 c (103gm) rye flour
    1 c (122 gm) whole wheat flour
    ½ c (59gm) wheat germ
    2 c (254gm) unbleached all purpose flour
    2 tsp ( 6  5gm) active dry instant yeast
    4 tsp (17gm) sugar
    1 Tbsp (6gm) fennel seeds
    ½ tsp (1gm) ground dried ginger
    1 Tbsp (18gm) salt
    4 Tbsp (85gm) molasses
    1½ c water, room temperature
    ¼ c or so (36gm) Thompson raisins
    unbleached all purpose flour for kneading, if necessary

    Egg wash - 1 egg, beaten with 1 Tbsp water

 My version is adapted for the stand mixer, for Elizabeth's original instructions, click here.

In your mixer, combine all dry ingredients, then add the wet (not the raisins yet) and mix with your dough hook for about 5 minutes, until the dough is cleaning the bowl. Adjust the water/flour if necessary. Add in the raisins and mix until thoroughly combined.
Oil the bowl lightly and roll dough in it to cover. Cover bowl and let rise until doubled.
Punch down and let rise until doubled again.
Divide dough in half and shape as desired.
Let rise 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 400°F
Coat with egg wash, if desired.
Slash and put in oven.
Reduce heat to 375°F
Bake until you get an internal temperature of over 200°F
25-35 minutes, depending on shape of bread
Let cool on racks.

The Bread Baking Babes

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