

I♥CookingClubs! A Round-Up and an Invitation

We have had a lovely time cooking up a storm with our Mexican-inspired chef Rick Bayless this season. Perfectly suited to warm weather, Mexican food has been the inspiration for six months of fabulous cooking and eating.

And at the end of six months with a chef we always have mixed feelings. Sad to say goodbye to the outgoing chef, and happy to welcome our new chef.

Many of the I♥CookingClubs participants have been reliving their favourite dishes from his season, so I thought I would join in the fun. Below you will find my top three faves from Rick, with links to the original posts and recipes. And below that.... an invitation to participate in our next chapter of I♥CookingClubs - Indian food with Madhur Jaffrey's recipes! Bring on the spice!

One of our absolute faves this summer has been the Chipotle Chicken Salad with Avocado, Potato, and Baby Spinach. A delicious one bowl dinner - and you can eat the bowl!

Beans play a big part in Mexican fare and these Drunken Pintos with Cilantro and Bacon (Frijoles Borrachos) have the added benefit of bacon and tequila! Ah, everything should be made with bacon and tequila...

And my all-time favourite Mexican dessert - Churros! (Mexican version of a donut). These are crispy on the outside, soft in the middle, and rolled in sugar. Best served still warm from the fryer, you'll be gobbling them up with or without any coffee or chocolate to dip them in.


Yes, we've had a ball cooking up the recipes of Rick Bayless and I for one am grateful for all I have learned from his books and online recipes. Now the air is getting cooler and we are welcoming a new inspiration for I♥CC - Indian Cooking with Madhur Jaffrey! Madhur has a delicious and delightful range of recipes, omnivorous and vegetarian alike. She even goes beyond India in some of her books and is bound to teach us tons about South Asian flavours. It's going to be a delicious 6 months!

You are always welcome to join us at I♥CookingClubs - we have a revolving roster of chefs that we get our inspiration from, one for each half of the year- Oct-March, April-Sept. Jump in any time!


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