

Menu Planning - Week of 5/2/11

Hey pals! It's officially May, we are almost halfway through 2011! I feel like it was just days ago that we were talkin resolutions for the year! Oh how time flies.

Last week we did make some Zuppa, and PJ took some to our friend, Sheila at work. She is interested in my blog and PJ is always telling her about it, and he bragged about the homemade Zuppa Toscana that was better than the Olive Garden version, and Sheila really wanted to try it. So we made enough to give her a bowl. Now some other coworkers of his want us to bring them some, plus I really wanna make some for PJ's mama because she always supports my blog so I need to make her something! And my brother loves the Zuppa from Olive Garden so I wanna kinda brag and let him try ours and see what his response is. So basically we have alotta people wantin to try that Zuppa! Gonna have to make it again soon :)

We did make those Baked Creamy Chicken Taquitos , and while they were good, the real star was the sauce we used to dip them in! Oh my word! I will have to blog about it soon! Let's just say I used it as a dipping sauce for the taquitos, as a dressing on a salad the next day, and as a sauce on our chicken fajitas last night. It's THAT good! I think I need practice on those taquitos, I think I used too much filling and therefore they were pretty thick and much of the filling was oozing out. Next time I will buy smaller tortillas too and not fill them as much. They were fantastic with that sauce, but next time I may make a guac to dip them in.

We didn't get around to the taco lasagna, or bbq shepherd's pie. Oops!

Time to do it all over again!

Monday 5/2/11:  PJ works late, probably City BBQ for me

Tuesday 5/3/11:  Ranch Chicken Cutlets
Wednesday 5/4/11:  Kielbasa and Kale Soup (need to use up leftover kale)

Thursday 5/5/11:  Taco Lasagna, adding meat, with Mexican Sour Cream Rice - for Cinco de Mayo!

Friday 5/6/11:  out to dinner at Embers

I am linking up to Menu Plan Monday and Marvelous Menu.

Hope everyone's week is starting out well! I would say that it is going well so far, considering America achieved a huge victory last night when Osama bin Laden was finally killed. May all the families and victims of 9/11 have justice and peace.

Peace, and bacon grease!

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