

Mushroom and Onion Omelet with Chive and Onion Cream Cheese

Here comes a simple one! But oh so good! A mushroom and onion omelet with chive and onion cream cheese. Yummy!

  1. Slice and dice mushrooms and onions. Then add butter or oil to a skillet and saute both until tender.
  2. Crack 2 eggs into a bowl and whisk together.
  3. Add tablespoon butter to a skillet and let melt.
  4. Add eggs and whirl it around to cover the skillet.
  5. Once it has settled a little and is about ready to flip, season with salt and pepper.
  6. Flip, and season other side. Immediately add cheese - I use pepper jack cheese slices and tear into strips to cover one side of the omelet.
  7. Add diced cooked mushrooms and onions to omelet, then flip the side with nothing on it to be the top of the omelet.
  8. At this point, I let the cheese melt a little bit. Then I remove to a plate.
Basic omelet, right? Well yes. But I also like to add a little Philadelphia Chive & Onion cream cheese on top. So I spread a little bit on top of the omelet and let it melt a bit and get warm. Or you can spread a bit on while it is still on the skillet so that the heat from the skillet melts it. It adds a creaminess to the omelet, and of course a chive flavor.
I am not quite sure that I needed to write a post on how to make an omelet. But I just wanted to share with the world, that I love this Chive & Onion cream cheese and I love it on my omelets and it makes it a little somethin extra special  :)   Bon Appetit!

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