

Cornflake-Crusted Chicken Fingers

Let me start out by saying that I love this KitchenAid knife! If you are serious about your cooking, you gotta have a good sharp knife for chopping and dicing meats, fruits, veggies and more! I am on a mission to collect some great KitchenAid products. I already got my handy knife, some kitchen scissors. Next I am getting a KitchenAid knife block at the grocery store which I saw on sale for a great price. Hopefully one day I can get me a KitchenAid mixer, or win one in one of the many blog giveaways!

Now back to the recipes! I haven't posted a real recipe in quite some time. My most recent posts have been photography related, restaurant reviews, or the simplest recipes that don't even really require recipes. Now I'm back with the goods.

One of the cooking blogs that I love to follow is Better than Burgers, a mother-daughter blogging team. They are constantly posting recipes that are yummy and not overly complicated. Their recipes range from sweet and savory to meaty to vegetarian. I can't get enough of their blog! So I have started a [long] list of recipes from blogs that I really want to try, and at least 20 of their recipes are on that list! Their original recipe calls for Colossal Crunch cereal, but since I couldn't find those anywhere, I opted for cornflakes. Gotta use your thinker!


Cornflake-Crusted Chicken Fingers modified from Better than Burgers
  • 3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 3 cups crushed cereal (cornflakes)
  • vegetable oil
First, slice your chicken breasts into long strips.
This normally would be the part where you would mix flour and your seasonings in a bowl, but I realized after I started making this that I didn't have flour... Yikes! So again, I used my thunker and decided that the show must go on, without the flour. So I just skipped this step. Instead, I seasoned the chicken breasts with all of the seasonings.

Now in a bowl, mix the buttermilk and egg. Then dip your strips into the egg mixture.
Put the crushed cereal onto a separate plate and dip your strips into the cereal. (If using flour, dip strips in flour first then egg then cereal).
In batches, add strips to a skillet with 1" oil in it. Cook in the skillet for about 15 minutes, flipping occasionally.

Once finished cooking, place on a plate to drain off the excessive oil. And who doesn't like to dip their chicken fingers in some scrumptious dips like barbeque and honey mustard?!

** For honey mustard dipping sauce, mix together 1/2 cup mayo, 1/3 cup mustard, and 3 tablespoons honey.

** For barbeque dipping sauce, mix together 1/2 cup bbq sauce (I used Sweet Baby Rays), 1/2 cup mayo, and 2 tablespoons honey.

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