

Lemon-Butter Broccoli

I haven't always been a fan of all veggies, but I have always been a fan of broccoli. So I love to find new recipes for broccoli. I was pleased with this one - it had great flavor and was very simple!

I bought the kind of broccoli that can be steamed in the microwave, or simmered in a pot with a little water. Usually I make it in the pot with about an inch or two of water and cover and cook for about 8-10 minutes. This time, I microwaved the broccoli, inside the bag, for 4 minutes (these were the "microwave" directions on the bag of broccoli). This particular kind comes cleaned and ready to steam. So that only took me 4 minutes to cook. Then, in a skillet I melted 5 teaspoons of unsalted butter and the garlic. When it foamed, I added 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice and cooked for 30 seconds. Then I mixed the broccoli in the lemon butter, and added lemon zest, salt and pepper and tossed it all together. At the end, I served it with some grated parmesan cheese on top. It was delicious. It had that lemon flavor from the juice and zest (I love zest!) as well as the cheese flavor. Simple yet delicious - my kind of recipe!

Lemon-Butter Broccoli adapted from Taste and Tell
  • 12 oz. package of broccoli, already rinsed
  • 5 teaspoons unsalted butter
  • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • grated Parmesan cheese for topping

    Microwave bag of broccoli for 4 minutes. Melt 5 teaspoons butter and the minced garlic in a skillet on medium-high heat and when it starts to foam, add the lemon juice for 30 seconds. Add the broccoli, lemon zest, salt and pepper. Cook, tossing, 1-2 minutes until broccoli is well coated. Serve with grated cheese on top.

    I am linking this recipe to Foodie Friday.

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