I am finally caught up. Today is Day Six, which means I will introduce you to five people who mean a lot to me. I am sorry that much of this seems redundant. Over the past few days, you have gotten to know me a little better. In my other posts, I feel I have probably answered this question already. I have already talked about the people who are most important to me. Many of them are no surprise, as I'm sure all of us value our parents and friends and significant other. I will try to keep this short, since it is pretty redundant.
1. My mama, Shirley Vick - A wonderful mother. A loyal wife of 40+ years. She has provided me with excellent education. She paid for all of my extracurricular activities growing up, and attended every single one. Whether it was a soccer game, piano recital, or dance performance, Mama was always there. I know it had to cost a lot to pay for my schooling (a private preschool, grade school, high school, and college), as well as all of those extracurriculars. I never heard her complain. And it's not like she was super rich. She just worked so hard to provide for me and my brother. She is such a giving person. To her children and her husband. She is just like a traditional Southern mother and wife - she cooks for all of us and cleans everything (until recently when my dad has been helping alot more). She did that WHILE working a full-time job. She used to spoil me with just about anything I wanted. She fixed me snacks when I wanted and always had breakfast ready for me. She is the kind of mom I hope to be one day to my children. I have a great source to look to for help in the future. Moms like her are so special. No one will ever love me as much as my mama. It took me awhile to realize that.... that no one else in the world will ever love you as much as your mother.

2. My fiancee, PJ - How lucky can I be? I just introduced you to my amazing mother. And here is another amazing person I am lucky to have in my life. He is the most loyal man I have ever met. He makes me feel beautiful every day of my life, even after 10 years and plenty of packed-on pounds on my end. He calls me sexy which is so important, because of course your mate will say you are pretty or beautiful, but for him to think I am still sexy after all of this time makes me feel better about myself. We are opposites in many ways (he loves to debate, I don't. He is talkative, I am more of a listener. He is free to be himself regardless of whomever is around, while I care more about what people think). Yet, we are similar where it matters. We both feel that loyalty and honesty are so important. We want the same things in life. We enjoy many of the same interests in life. Of course sometimes we have our downs, like any couple, but they are always replaced by the ups. Again, how did I get this lucky?

3. My brother, Jr - He is 15 years older than me. So we have never hung out with the same friends and done the same things. But we have always been close, as he has been somewhat of a father figure to me. He used to get me ready for school and do my hair when my mom was at work. He is a loving brother. I love to spend time with him, goofing off. He always make me laugh - that is a brother's job. We argue over silly things, but we will always love each other. We can just be goofy siblings together, or we can have long serious talks. No matter what, I know I can count on him.
4. My only niece, Kalyn - That brings me to my next loved one... my brother's daughter. She is my niece, Kalyn. I was there the day she was born. Since I only have one brother, and he only had one child, I am very close to both of them. I have always wanted a lot of siblings, but I only had one brother. So I try to stay close with him. And he only had one kid, so I know I will only be an aunt once in my life and want to do it right! I want to be someone she can look up to, admire, but also someone she can run to for help and tell her secrets to. Basically like an older sister! She is about to be 16 in a couple of months, and I see her maturing more and more each time I see her. I'm proud of who she is becoming. I have watched her grow for 15 years, and can't wait to see the woman she becomes as an adult. As my only niece, she means so much to me!

5. My daddy - We haven't always had the strongest relationship. I have resented him for much of my childhood. Now that I am older, I have learned to put things aside and just focus on the present, not the past. I wanted to move forward with our relationship, and he has come around. He has completely changed these past few months, and now I see the daddy that I always wanted. He is more involved in my life, a better husband to my mom, and just overall more caring and approachable. I see a change in him. It's a good thing. I can't wait for our relationship to become even stronger and tighter. (Sorry no pics, he hates getting his picture taken!)
Honorable mentions:
-- Marcey, my bestie - love you girl! Sorry, it didn't seem right to not talk about my family in the above section, but you know you are my best friend! We have so much fun shopping and eating together! I love that we share the same interests. No one else understands my love for books like you :) We are nerds, I know. I love that we are engaged at the same time. We can help plan each other's wedding! I hope we are preggers at the same time too, even though you hate kids, I know you will have some mini Marceys and Jamies running around one day. I am so glad we met at Dillards Salon, and though we both have moved on from that job, we have not moved on from each other.

--Mair Wood oops I mean Mair Wallace - You were one of my very best childhood friends. When we lost touch, I kept looking for you on facebook and just hoping that we would meet back up one day. And then I saw your friend request on facebook one day, and I was overly excited! I exclaimed to PJ how I had been looking for my best friend for some years but couldn't find her because she moved to Illinois and I lost her number, and had mine changed. I was so glad you were looking for me too, and found me! I don't ever want to lose touch again girl, but no matter how long we go without seeing each other it is still just like it used to be when we do get together. Just like the old times. Except now you are married, with two kids, living in another state. Our situations have changed, our paths in life have changed, but our friendship never will. That I can promise.