

RawEssence - 180 Delicious Recipes for Raw Living

180 Delicious Recipes for Raw Living

by David Côté and Mathieu Gallant
paperback, 224 pages

This new raw food cookbook is part of the growing movement that advocates a cuisine that is eco-friendly, meets nutritional needs and is immensely satisfying and delicious.

Summer seems like the ideal time for raw foods. RawEssence takes you beyond summer salads and gives you a whole book of hip recipes that have delighted their clients at Crudessence for years. 

Anyone can add the health benefits of a raw diet to their lives, even omnivores like me. It is important to have a balanced diet and there are many nutrients to be found in uncooked foods that can't be found in their cooked counterparts. For those more serious about a raw lifestyle, David and Mathieu show you how to eat a balanced, healthy and tasty diets.

Their fundamentals are that RawEssence is *Organic, *Local, *Vegan, *Gluten and allergen-free, *Economically committed, *Medicine on my plate!

Contents Include:
The flavor of our mission
Raw food in the world
The fundamentals of RawEssence

Basic recipes
Main Dishes

Check out these sample recipes from RawEssence, below, to see how easy and delicious it is to go raw this summer! 

Pesto Tagliatelle, page 55

Makes 4 appetizers or 2 main dishes

Preparation: 10 minutes
Equipment: mandoline or vegetable peeler

2    medium zucchini,     2
20 medium basil leaves, slivered
1⁄2 tsp    sea salt    2 mL
1⁄2 clove garlic, chopped
1 tbsp    olive oil    15 mL
6    kalamata olives, pitted, chopped 6
2 tbsp    pine nuts    30 mL

1.    Using a mandoline or vegetable peeler, cut zucchini into long thin strips, then julienne strips into long tagliatelle.
2.    In a salad bowl, combine zucchini tagliatelle with pesto, salt, garlic and olive oil.
3.    Place tagliatelli in dishes and top with chopped olives and pine nuts. Serve cold.

Excerpted from RawEssence by David Côté and Mathieu Gallant © 2013 Robert Rose Inc. May not be reprinted without publisher permission.

Tabbouleh Flower, page 85
Makes 4 portions

Preparation: 20 minutes
Equipment: food processor

1/2    medium cauliflower, shredded in food processor (approx.)
1 cup    cubed tomatoes    250 mL
3 cups    finely chopped fresh parsley     750 mL   
1/3 cup    firmly packed finely chopped red onion 75 mL   
5    fresh mint leaves, finely chopped     5   
11/2 tsp    sea salt    7 mL
1/8 tsp    ground black pepper    0.5 mL
3 tbsp    freshly squeezed lemon juice     45 mL   
1 tbsp    olive oil    15 mL
1    clove garlic, chopped    1   

1.    In a salad bowl, combine all ingredients.

TIP Keeps 5 days in the refrigerator in an airtight container. 

Excerpted from RawEssence by David Côté and Mathieu Gallant © 2013 Robert Rose Inc. May not be reprinted without publisher permission.

Island Lime Pie, page 193
Makes 12 portions

Preparation: 15 minutes
Equipment: blender, food processor, pastry bag

1    recipe Coco-Macadamia     1
    Crust (page 190)
Avocado Mousse
    Flesh of 2 to 3 avocados
3⁄4 cup    freshly squeezed     175 mL
    lime or lemon juice
1⁄2 cup    coconut butter    125 mL
1⁄2 cup    agave nectar    125 mL
1⁄2 tsp    alcohol-free vanilla     2 mL
1⁄4 cup    water    60 mL
1 tbsp    freshly squeezed     15 mL
    lime or lemon juice
1⁄2 cup    macadamia nuts    125 mL
2 tsp    agave nectar    10 mL
1⁄4 tsp    alcohol-free vanilla     1 mL
1⁄8 tsp    sea salt    0.5 mL
1 tbsp    coconut oil, melted    15 mL

1.    Line the bottom and sides of a 9-inch (23 cm) pie plate with crust.
2.    Avocado Mousse: In food processor, combine all ingredients and blend to a smooth cream of even consistency. Pour into crust. Keep at room temperature while preparing frosting.
3.    Frosting: In blender, combine all ingredients except melted coconut oil and blend to a smooth cream of even consistency. This can take several minutes. If needed, add 1 to 2 tbsp (15 to 30 mL) more water. While blender is running, incorporate melted coconut oil.
4.    Place mixture in a pastry bag with a narrow nozzle.
5.    Trace a spiral of frosting on the pie from the center to the rim of the pie plate. With a chopstick, trace a dozen lines in the frosting at regular intervals from the center to the rim to resemble a spider web.

Keeps 10 days in the refrigerator in an airtight container or for up to 4 months in the freezer.
Garnish with lime slices and grated coconut, if desired.

Excerpted from RawEssence by David Côté and Mathieu Gallant © 2013 Robert Rose Inc. May not be reprinted without publisher permission.

David Côté

A self-taught scientist, passionate about nature and extreme sports, David Côté has walked through woods, mountains and deserts from Mexico to Canada to test the effects of living foods on his own body.

Lover of nature and with an insatiable thirst for knowledge on the mysteries of life, David is simply passionate. A Shiatsu therapist, a self-taught expert on nutrition, a living foods chef and an inspiring speaker, David transforms health science into a child's game. After many years of travelling, of personal study and experimentation, David settled in Montreal to start Crudessence where he shares his passion with others.

Co-founder of Crudessence, David is president and is specifically in charge of the restaurants. He is also a teacher at the Academy and a speaker widely known for his lively discussions on health. David lives in Montreal, QC.

Mathieu Gallant

A traditional cook, chef in 5-star restaurants around the world and also a yoga and meditation teacher, Mathieu Gallant travelled the world while maintaining a very simple lifestyle for 10 years.

Inspired by experimental cuisine, the science of yoga and his many trips, Mathieu offers a fresh perspective on culinary philosophy, “filled with meaning”. After teaching Tibetan meditation for many years, he loves to talk about nutrition and how it is clearly related to our intimate relationship with our vital energy and the forces of nature.

Co-founder of Crudessence, Mathieu is Director of the Academy of Living Foods. He remains very involved in the kitchen mainly by working on the development of new creations and overall food direction. Mathieu lives in Montreal, QC.

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