

Cinnamon Sugar Crisps

Time for another month of the Surprise Recipe Swap hosted by Jutta at HungryLittleGirl. Yeah, baby.

This month I was assigned to Michelle's blog, Michelle's Tasty Treasures. It wasn't hard finding a recipe as I've been a follower of hers for some time now. 

I knew I wanted to make that Green Fruit Salad, and knew that her Cinnamon Sugar Crisps were perfect to go with it. 


Cinnamon Sugar Crisps
from Michelle's Tasty Creations
  • 10 - 6 to 8 inch flour tortillas
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • cooking spray
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Line a large baking sheet with parchment and set aside.

In a small bowl mix the sugar and cinnamon until completely mixed.

Place one tortilla at a time on top of the parchment and spray with cooking spray then liberally sprinkle with the cinnamon sugar mixture.  Press the cinnamon mixture into the tortilla and flip over.  Repeat on the second side.

Cut into wedges and place in a single layer on the parchment lined baking sheet arranged close together.

Bake for 8 - 10 minutes or until crispy.  Let cool completely on the baking sheet before removing to a plate or bowl.  They will get a little crispier when cooled.   

Repeat with any remaining tortilla wedges until all are baked.

Store in an airtight container or Ziploc bag.

Printable Recipe






So easy, few ingredients, and still so tasty.

Check out all of the other great creations in this month's swap!






Peace, and bacon grease!

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