Happy Easter!!!
Today I'll be sharing 3 super simple Easter recipes using EGGS!
Easter isn't as fun as it used to be. I miss dressing up in my prettiest little girl Easter dress, getting piles and piles of candy in my Easter basket, and going to the neighborhood Easter egg hunt and searching for all those colorful eggs with other adorable kids. I can't wait to have kids one day so I can give them those experiences.
My future mama-in-law did give us little Easter "baskets" when we went out for my birthday dinner on Friday. It was so cute! She is so thoughtful, and there were some DELISH candy goodies in there, along with some lottery tickets. Love that woman.
Ok enough of the sentimental stuff, let's get to the food.

These are just hard boiled eggs cut in half, with peppercorns for eyes and carrots for noses. The original recipe uses black sesame seeds but I couldn't find any at the store so I had to improvise. They are cute cuz the eyes are tiny so if I can find some in the future, I'd use those.
Baby Chickie Eggs
from Just Jenn Recipes
- hard boiled eggs
- black goma sesame seeds OR peppercorns
- 1 carrot
Cut small wedge pieces from carrot to make noses. Add black sesame seeds or peppercorns for eyes.
Printable Recipe
All done! See how easy that was?
More Easter recipes to come!
Peace, and bacon grease!
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