

The Fondue Bible: The 200 Best Recipes

The Fondue Bible
The 200 Best Recipes
by Ilana Simon
Paperback, 320 pages

 The complete resource to fun and easy fondue cooking 
-- an ideal entertaining guide.

A fondue party is the ultimate food party. Everyone helps, and helps themselves. Wine is generally consumed and the atmosphere is a joyous one. A fondue party is one of my favourite ways to entertain and be entertained. 

And fondue isn't just about cheese. You can do broth fondues, oil fondues, even desserts! In fact you can coordinate a party that includes two or more styles of fondue. And different styles too, with recipes from around the world.

With The Fondue Bible, you will never tire of fondue. And if you start having awesome fondue parties - invite me! I'll bring the wine. ☺

There's a whole new world beyond the familiar cheese and chocolate fondues. Consider the following:

    Hot oil fondues such as ginger beef fondue, zesty lime chicken, or tempura cauliflower
    Savory broth fondues like Mongolian hot pot, honey garlic chicken fondue, or Thai pork fondue in lemongrass broth.

For traditional recipes with a new spin or two:

    Emmentaler fondue with caramelized shallots
    Cheddar cheese and beer fondue
    Decadent finishers like bittersweet chocolate fondue, white chocolate and toffee, or cherries jubilee fondue.

Contents include:
Fondue Essentials
Cheese Fondues
Oil Fondues
Broth Fondues
Dessert Fondues
Dips and Sauces

Ilana Simon includes dozens of dips and sauces specially designed to complement the 200 recipes in this book. Her menu-planning suggestions, guide to using and maintaining different types of fondue pots, and tips and techniques will turn a fondue meal into an event to remember.

Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Fondue, page 64, brunch (cheese)
This fabulous lox and cream cheese fondue is ideal for a brunch or as an appetizer with white wine — be sure to serve it with bagel chunks.
Serves 4

8 oz    goat cheese, cubed    250 g
31⁄2 oz    cream cheese, cubed    100 g
1    clove garlic, halved    1
1⁄2 cup    dry white wine    125 mL
5 oz    smoked salmon, sliced into     150 g
    bite-size pieces
2    green onions, minced    2

1.    In a bowl, combine goat cheese and cream cheese; mix well. Set aside.
2.    Rub the inside of a large saucepan with cut sides of garlic. Discard garlic. Add wine; bring to a simmer over medium heat. Reduce heat to medium-low.
3.    Add cheese mixture in small amounts to saucepan, stirring constantly after each addition with a wooden spoon in a figure-eight motion until cheese is melted.
4.    Stir in smoked salmon; mix well. Transfer to fondue pot and garnish with green onions. Serve immediately.

If using frozen smoked salmon, be sure to thaw it thoroughly before slicing. The pieces should be about 1 inch (2.5 cm).
Warm bagels in toaster oven on medium heat for about 5 minutes, then cut into thick chunks for dippers.
Use 2 tbsp (25 mL) chopped fresh chives in place of the green onions.
Serve with capers as garnish.

Make ahead
Cube cheeses and refrigerate until needed.
Slice smoked salmon and refrigerate until needed.
Serve with…
Bagel chunks, cubes
of pumpernickel and rye bread, breadsticks, lightly toasted English muffin wedges, lightly toasted pita bread wedges.

Excerpted from The Fondue Bibleby Ilana Simon © 2013.www.robertrose.caReprinted with publisher permission.

Dijon Rosemary Lamb Fondue, page 101 (oil)
Serves 4

1⁄4 cup    Dijon mustard    50 mL
2 tbsp    white wine vinegar    25 mL
1 tbsp    chopped fresh rosemary    15 mL
1 tbsp    dried onion flakes    15 mL
1 tsp    garlic powder    5 mL
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    to taste
1 lb    loin or leg of lamb, cut into 1-inch     500 g
    (2.5 cm) cubes
    Oil for fondue

1.    Marinade: In a bowl, combine mustard, vinegar, rosemary, onion flakes, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Mix well.
2.    In a shallow casserole, pour marinade over lamb, tossing to coat well. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
3.    In a saucepan, heat oil to 375°F (190°C) and transfer to fondue pot (or heat oil in an electric fondue). Do not fill fondue pot more than half full.
4.    Spear lamb cube with fondue fork and fondue for 1 to 2 minutes or until cooked to desired doneness.

Fresh rosemary takes this fondue up a notch. If it is not available, use 1 to 11⁄2 tsp (5 to 7 mL) dried rosemary.

Make ahead
Complete to the end of Step 2. Refrigerate until needed.
Serve with…
Tzatziki, gremolata, roasted red pepper dip.

Excerpted from The Fondue Bibleby Ilana Simon © 2013.www.robertrose.caReprinted with publisher permission.

Raspberry Fondue, page 240, family-fav (dessert)
Serves 4 to 6

14 oz     frozen raspberries in light syrup,     425 g
2 tbsp     cornstarch    25 mL
2 tbsp     cold water    25 mL

1.    In a sieve over a bowl, drain raspberries, reserving 1 cup (250 mL) syrup. In another bowl, whisk together cornstarch and water until dissolved.
2.    In a saucepan over medium heat, warm reserved syrup for about 3 minutes. Add dissolved cornstarch and continue heating for 2 minutes or until thickened.
3.    Remove from heat. Stir in raspberries; mix well. Transfer immediately to dessert fondue pot over candle flame.
4.    Spear a piece of fruit or cake with fondue fork and dip in fondue.

Substitute frozen strawberries (or mixed berries) in syrup for
the raspberries.
For a more intense flavor, stir 1⁄2 cup (125 mL) fresh berries into fondue pot just before serving.
For a lighter consistency, purée half of the raspberries before adding to saucepan.

Make ahead
Prepare to end of Step 2. Cool, then refrigerate. Reheat in microwave on Low until heated (about 1 to 2 minutes) or over low heat in saucepan on stove. Stir and transfer to fondue pot.
Cut up dippers.
Serve with…
Chocolate cupcake cubes, ladyfingers, shortbread cookies, scone cubes.

Excerpted from The Fondue Bibleby Ilana Simon © 2013.www.robertrose.caReprinted with publisher permission.

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