

What Makes a Delicious Cup of Coffee Even Better? Saving the Rainforest! Puro Fairtrade Coffee.

Fairtrade * Organic * Shade Grown

I am happy and proud to partner with Puro Fairtrade Coffee to help launch their awesome products in Canada and spread awareness about the importance of responsible coffee farming and giving back to the community and environment.

So grab a cup, and a couple of cookies, and read about this wonderful company that is saving the world - one cup at a time.

In the last 50 years, more than half of the world’s tropical forest has been cleared. More than 100 rainforest species become extinct every day, many of which are yet to be discovered.

At Puro we see no sense in industrial growth at the expense of the community and the welfare of our planet. We aim to assist in every small way in halting the deforestation of our planet and are proud to have teamed up with the World Land Trust to assist in making it an economic reality.

 Visit Puro Fairtrade Coffee on Facebook at

The World Land Trust is a UK based land conservation charity whose patron is Sir David Attenborough. The World Land Trust conserves biodiversity by protecting threatened habitats and in co-operation with local partners and communities, helps to ensure they are managed sustainably.

Money from each bag of Puro coffee sold goes towards buying and protecting areas of rainforest vital for biodiversity in coffee producing countries. To date, consumers of Puro coffee have enabled the following:

9105  acres of rainforest to be bought and protected,
14 new species to be discovered and named by science (1 tree, 12 orchids & 1 frog) and 1 guard (Luis) to be employed full time to protect the reserve in Ecuador from poachers and loggers.

Trees4Schools initially began working together with South African schools to plant, nurture and grow trees within the schoolyard to provide shade and green space. Upon recognition of some of the other challenges faced by these schools, the initiative expanded to also include the planting of vegetable gardens to provide food to the children who attend them.

Some of the biggest South African names in both the gardening and hospitality industry have now joined us in supporting Trees4Schools.

To date we have helped fund the planting of:
1,196 trees and 68 vegetable gardens are now in place helping to feed 649 people.

 Saving The Rainforest

Puro Coffee Reserve, Ecuador

Located near to Baños, this reserve is more than 5,330 acres in size and features a stunning array of orchids and other species unique to this area. Read more ...



Puro Coffee Reserve, Brazil

Located within the Rio de Janeiro province and covering 395 acres in size, this area which is crucial for biodiversity, was threatened by deforestation. Read more ...


Puro Coffee Reserve, Guatemala

Located in the region of Huehuetenango, north-western Guatemala, this reserve is 1,112 acres in size and its huge lagoon is home to 2 critically endangered species of frog. Read more ...


Teaguela puroana (Puro Orchid)

Discovered within the Puro Coffee Reserve in Ecuador, by Lou Jost and published as a new species previously unknown to science in April 2011. Read more ...



Golden Poison Arrow Frog Reserve

Located within Chocó, Colombia. This 124 acre Puro reserve is the only protected location in the world of the critically endangered and close to extinct Golden Poison Frog. Read more ...

Our Coffee

Puro Fairtrade coffee is lovingly blended, roasted and packed in Turnhout, Belgium by Miko, a company that has been roasting coffee since 1801 and is in fact older than their own country! The team at Miko don't ever get cold feet because the heat generated from the coffee roasting process is recuperated and used to warm the offices and the production floor.

Using Miko’s 200+ years of industry knowledge and expertise, we became one of the first coffee brands in the world to challenge the mis-conception that Fairtrade coffee is poorer in quality and taste than its less fair counterparts.

Puro coffee is currently available in beans, ground and pouch pack across 4 blends and comes packed in 250g and 1kg bags.

Other Products

We have applied the same people and planet principles used to source our coffee to other complimentary products. Together with our Fairtrade coffee blends, we also have Puro Fairtrade teas and Fairtrade hot chocolate along with all the other essentials.

Fairtrade Hot Chocolate

The cocoa used to make our Luxury Fairtrade Hot Chocolate is grown under the canopy of tall trees native to the Dominican Republic. The creation of this rich and creamy product is a team effort, produced by a co-operative made up of 10,000 small Dominican Republic based cocoa farmers who have come together through their love for chocolate.


Fairtrade Ancillaries

Alongside our Fairtrade brown and white sugar sticks and packs, we also have a range of biscuits, milk options, vending machine ingredients and many more.

Fairtrade Tea

Our Fairtrade Premium Tea comes from Kenya and Malawi, two of Africa’s finest tea growing countries. This colourful tea packed full of flavours is produced by a co-operative made up of more than 8,000 smallholder tea farmers. The premium price they receive for their harvest helps to fund a number of social projects for the neighbouring communities.

Fairtrade Fruit Teas

The Puro Fairtrade fruit tea collection includes, green tea, rooibos, mint, earl grey, lemon, forest fruits, rosehip and strawberry.

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