

The Bread Baking Babes bake Rheinbrot!

Rheinbrot? Bread with wine. Riesling, to be exact. A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou. 

And if we can start mixing some of that up.... even better!

Many thanks to Astrid for challenging us to make Rheinbrot this month. Wine and bread have to be two of my most favourite things! 

I had fun playing with the recipe and flattened the dough out after the last rise and sprinkled on a chopped Granny Smith apple, a small handful of dark raisins, a pinch of cinnamon and some honey. Then I rolled it up and placed it in a well buttered and floured pyrex loaf pan to rise.

After a good rise, I slathered on an egg wash and added a melange of rolled oats, almond slivers and flax seeds. Yum!

When it was about ready, I preheated the oven to about 375°F for 15-20 minutes and baked for 20 minutes. I turned the loaf and baked another 15 before checking for an internal temperature of 185°F. I let it cool for 10 minutes in the pan and then on a rack until no longer warm.

Delicious toast bread for breakfast!


50 gram semisweet Riesling
50 gram boiled water, at room temperature
100 gram flour
50 gram of wheat sourdough at 100% hydration

250 gram flour
135 gram water
6 gram salt

1) Mix wine with water and add the sourdough, whisk thoroughly.
2) Add flour  and mix again.
3) The dough ferments at 2 stages:
3a) 4 hours at a temperature 30-32°C, it should grow at least twice its size, will be lumpy looking at this stage and have larger and smaller bubbles. If you stick your nose into the container, the scent will be somewhat unpleasant, it may even seem that the dough has deteriorated. Don't panic, this only means the dough is doing the right things ;o)
3b) Pour the sponge in a bowl and whisk thoroughly to remove all the gas out of it and fill it with oxygen. Cover with foil and let sit for 10-12 hours (overnight) at room temperature. Dough will rise again in half and very often shows smaller bubbles.
4) Now the sponge is ready for kneading: pour in the water and stir until smooth. Add the flour, mix well and give the autolysis a chance to do it's magic for 40-50 minutes.
5) add the salt and quickly knead the dough, if it is too sticky add a little four, but be careful not to add too much.
6) Let ferment for 2-2.5 hours. Fold twice after 1 hour and 1 1/2 hour. The dough smells fresh now, no smell of the wine.
7) Form a loaf and let proof in a basket for 1 1/2 hours (doubles in size) covered with a towel in a draft free place.
8) Preheat oven to 240°C.
9) Transfer dough to your baking sheet. Make an incision or two and let it slide on your baking stone.
10) Bake for 10 minutes with steam and without steam like 20 minutes at 200°C.
11) Let cool down for alt least half an hour before slicing the bread.

You should have a bread with a nice soft crust and an airy crumb. Enjoy with some nice glass of white wine to accompany the bread ;o)

The Bread Baking Babes

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